EASIHOLD - THE ORIGINAL Stone & Gravel Binder XL 5L, Lasts Up to 3 Years,....

🪨 HOLDS & FIXES LOOSE STONES: Easihold is a gravel binder designed to securely hold together 4-20mm stones. Allow it to dry for 72 hours under warm and dry weather conditions (5°+). For foot traffic areas, we recommend using stones with a diameter of 4-10mm for the strongest bond.

🫗POUR or HAND MIX: Easihold offers flexibility in application methods. For the strongest results, you can mix the product with the stones in a bucket, ensuring thorough coverage. Alternatively, you can pour the Easihold solution over the stones using a watering can.

🌿TRANSFORM YOUR GARDEN - Ready-to-use and cheaper than a gardener, Easihold is the ideal stone binder and gravel bond for use in your decorative flower beds, tree surrounds, stepping stones, between pavers and even mulch & bark!

💧NON-TOXIC AND WATER BASED - Easihold is environmentally friendly and will not harm your pet or child should they come in contact with the treated gravel.