This 1923 silver dollar coin is held within a protective slab from CAC (Certified Acceptance Corporation), signifying that it has been thoroughly examined and certified for its condition and quality. The coin itself boasts a Mint State 65 (MS65) grade, indicating exceptional preservation and a high degree of mint luster without significant detracting marks. The obverse side of the coin presents Liberty in profile, her hair cascading in fine detail while she wears a radiant crown inscribed with the word "LIBERTY." The year "1923" is prominently displayed beneath her neck, with the phrase "IN GOD WE TRVST" (the 'U' in "TRUST" is historically presented as a 'V'), showcasing the era's classical influence on coinage.

The luster of the coin is particularly notable, with a bright, reflective sheen that highlights the intricacies of its design, including the feathers on Liberty's headdress, the folds of the draped fabric, and the sharpness of the lettering. The coin's edge and fields appear smooth, and the high points seem well-defined, suggesting minimal wear and contact with other objects.

On the reverse side, the coin features the iconic American eagle perched on a rock, wings majestically outstretched. Above the eagle is the phrase "E PLURIBUS UNUM," and the denomination "ONE DOLLAR" is seen below. Surrounding the entire design are the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" along the top border, framing the eagle in a way that exudes strength and national pride. The reverse also displays a remarkable luster, aligning with the coin's MS65 grading, which is indicative of the coin's striking visual appeal and its standout status as a collector's piece.

The overall condition of the coin is further emphasized by the CAC's green sticker, a mark of quality assurance that suggests the coin is at the higher end of its assigned grade. Both the obverse and reverse views show the coin's fields devoid of any significant issues, and the coin seems to have retained much of its original mint condition. There is a light, attractive patina that suggests originality and little to no alteration over the years. The encapsulation not only adds to the coin's protection but also provides verifiable information accessible by a QR code, adding an extra layer of certification transparency for collectors or those interested in its provenance. Overall, the 1923 silver dollar