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Document Title: Norton 6 Inch Type C Grinding Machine Parts Manual

Number Of Pages: 35
Condition Of Original: Very Good
Scan Type: Color and Augmented Grayscale Scan
Scan Quality: Very Good

Description: This manual covers Parts for the  Norton 6 Inch Type C Cylindrical Grinder starting with Serial number C-13380 and up. Original publication dates from 1953. Parts are broken down by major component assembly with cutaway line drawings labelled with part numbers and descriptions. Covers both the AC and DC work head versions of the Dead Center and Live Center workheads. This color and augmented grayscale scan captures the excellent quality of the original without the fingerprints or grease stains. Get a fresh copy!

We also have the full version including Part available elsewhere in our Store.

Product Media: Your choice of Hardcopy or Electronic format on CD-ROM

Formats Available (you may choose one of the following): Paper Hardcopy, Adobe Acrobat PDF (.pdf)

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