Hakea Microcarpa

"Small-Fruit Hakea"

H6 ft. x W6 ft. A close relative of Grevillea in the Protea family, this mid-sized evergreen shrub thrives in summer heat, with deep green leaves like upturned pine-needles, sharply pointed at the tip. In late winter and early spring, numerous half-inch white flowers appear along the undersides of the branches in clusters. These are very attractive despite their small size, set as they are among the plant's open branching habit. Well-drained, sandy soil that is acidic and poor in phosphorus is necessary for plants of this family to do well. Never use high-phosphorus fertilizers (that's the middle number in the NPK ratio), but do dump your old coffee grounds in their bed. Late-winter manuring and the occasional refreshing drench in the heat of summer will keep them strong, and an established plant is surprisingly hardy, ours surviving last winter's lenghthy freeze in the teens without any damage. Hardy

Packet contains 20 seeds

Care and propagation notes Included.

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