110 ml of Live Baby Brine Shrimp

Hatched on a daily basis so your supply reaches you in the best possible condition.

Brine shrimp are a superlative food for starting a large number of aquatic larvae...fish, newts, salamaners, frogs...even shrimp do very well on newly hatched baby brine shrimp. However, there are few fish that do better with other foods. 

Live Adult Brine Shrimp are tiny reddish brown crustaceans that are approximately 3/16" - 1/4" in length, and are an ideal food source for finicky eaters such as seahorses, pipefish, mandarin fish and other dragonets.

Brine Shrimp are non-selective, filter feeding invertebrates, and consume algae, bacteria, diatoms, and microbes. To maintain long term, keep in a small aquarium or 5-gallon bucket by themselves with an air-driven sponge filter. Live Brine Shrimp should be fed liquid Phytoplankton or Brine Shrimp Food like Isochrysis when maintaining these animals for more than a few days.