The Vitamin “C” Secret Is OUT!

Its no longer a secret that Vitamin C has been proven to be one of the most powerful age fighters out there. iQ Natural’s Vitamin C Serum is packed full of the active ingredients that fight free-radicals that repair the damage done to the skin by too much sun. Paired with natural botanicals and hyaluranic acid for rich anti-inflammatory properties.

iQ Natural’s Vitamin C serum is further enhanced with Vitamin E, know as Nature’s Antioxidant with powers to aid in nourishing skin repair. Science has clinically proven that using skincare products with both Vitamin E and C is much more effective in protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and repair past damage than those that contain only one or the other.

Whats sets iQ Natural’s Vitamin “C” apart from the rest? Both better skin feel and look! It has a concentrated delivery system combined with the highest form of active, bio-available Vitamin C for beautiful skin but without the dryness that a high content Vitamin C can be. Natural Hyaluronic Acid works to deliver Vitamin C to the hungry cells, rush moisture in to plump up wrinkles and prevent drying. You’ll find your skin is left nourished, armed for the fight and plumped for a fresh youthful appearance you’ll love. Simply Radiant.
