This is two beautiful pieces of Mexican Fire Opal facet rough purchased from Tuscon in 1982.  The owner stopped faceting a few years ago and asked us to help him sell some of his facet rough.  One is Orange Fire Opal and one is Honey Fire Opal that both look like they should facet well.  I've not done any faceting so this piece (like all of our material on the site) comes with a total money back guarantee.   If you want this rough, buy it and if you are not totally satisfied (before you cut it) send it back to me and i'll refund your purchase price and shipping costs.   My thanks to Doug at mydreamgem who pointed out that these were listed wrong.  

Just a little "FYI": the two stones you have listed here are Mexican _Fire Opal_, not Topaz, and are worth about $2.50/carat for the honey colored one, and between $3-5/ct. for the reddish one, given their instability. (And you can tell that they're unstable -- that is, likely to dehydrate and crack, after cutting -- by the crazed surfaces on both pieces. 

I'm just letting you know because you're asking ludicrous numbers for these and are very unlikely to sell them to anyone who knows what they are. (Translation: if you're going to pay for listing fees, anyway, you might as well get paid something for your efforts ;^)! )

Best of luck to you,
Doug at mydreamgem

The Orange piece is crazed the Honey piece isn't.
raul walker