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"Poissons tirés de Barbot" originaler Kupferstich ca. 20x14cm von Schley; aus:  Antoine-Francois Prevost d'Exiles "L'Histoire Generale des Voyages" in der Platte betitelt und bezeichnet; Paris 1750

Das dekorative Blatt (25x18cm) leicht gebräunt.

Fine and decorative copper engraving; plate size about 20x14cm [Condition: strong pressure]

Between the years 1747 to 1780 Prevost published some 25 volumes containing historical and contemporary voyages of discovery from all areas of the globe including China, Russia, Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific, America and Africa. The explorers and adventurers ranged from the like of Jean Baptiste Du Halde and his description of China 1735, Jan Nieuhof and his description of China in the mid 17th century, Capt. James Cook and his three monumentus voyages to both the Americas and the Australia Pacific regions in the late 18th century (included as supplements), Francis Drake, Magellan and many others. The maps and prints - of which there are over 400 - were produced predominately by Jacques Nicholas Bellin with the prints being originally engraved by the likes of Nicolas Cochin, the Van Keulen family, Tardieu, Chedel, Schley and others.

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