The 20" x 28" poster presented before you is called 'Eire' and it is a fine ink hand drawn collage of everything Irish, from people, places, events and folklore totaling 72 separate images. A point of interest also, and something that many people miss, is that for the most part the images are geographically accurate.

The Artist

Robert Mulpeter is 24 years old and lives in Dublin, Ireland. He is currently a postgraduate student of Geopolitics and Global Economics out of University College Dublin, having completed his BA last year. He has been involved in a number of charitable organizations, spending two months in India teaching English and helping to build houses as well as other similar projects in South Africa. He also lived in Chicago for several months.

Robert enjoys creating and selling art which has been used primarily to fund his way through college. He created this fine ink drawing in 2013. Rob  has his art hanging or selling from some of Dublin's most prestigious Universities and he is the political cartoonist for his college newspaper. He currently works as an academic tutor, teaching first year undergraduate students.

Robert hopes you enjoy finding and figuring out all of the images on this poster as much as he enjoyed drawing it!

 A 'Thank You' from Robert is included with this poster as well as a list of the images it contains.

N.B. It has been my experience that in shipping this poster overseas it has been hit with Customs Charges 99% of the time.