Peter Beijersbergen - Soiree Du Coeur A Barbe: Festival Paris Dada [New CD]

Artist: Peter Beijersbergen van Henegouwen

Title: Soiree Du Coeur A Barbe: Festival Paris Dada


Format: CD

Release Date: 2008

Label: LTM

UPC: 5024545496222

Genre: Rock

Album Tracks

1. Trois Morceaux en Forme de Poire
2. Caramel Mou [Shimmy]
3. Adieu, New York [Fox-Trot]
4. Trois Piã¨Ces Faciles à Quatre Mains
5. Nombril Interlope
6. Nourrice Amã©Ricane [Fast]
7. Pas de la Chicorã©E Frisã©E
8. Piã¨Ge de Mã©Duse
9. Drie Composities Voor Klavier
10. Musical Erratum
11. Musical Erratum
12. Musical Erratum
13. Musical Erratum
14. Nourrice Amã©Ricane [Slow]
15. Rag-Time [1925 Recording]
16. Pã©Lican [Fox-Trot]

2008 release, a ground breaking anthology of piano music directly linked to the Dada avant-garde art movement in Paris between 1920 and 1923. Soirée du Coeur à Barbe: Festival Dada Paris is based on the piano repertoire performed at two landmark Dada events in Paris, namely the Festival Dada on 26 May 1920, and the infamous Soirée du Coeur à Barbe on 6 July 1923, an event disrupted by violent confrontation between Tristan Tzara's Dada faction and Surrealists lead by Andre Breton. Music from the 1920 event includes two pieces by Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes as well as the American Nurse by Francis Picabia, the latter described as 'three notes repeated to infinity'. Pieces performed at the riotous 1923 soirée include two fox-trots by Georges Auric and Darius Milhaud (both members of the celebrated group Les Six), the four-hand Trois Morceaux en forme de poire by Erik Satie (performed in person by the composer on the night), and Three Easy Pieces by Igor Stravinsky. LTM.

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