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 Item Details:

Here we have a selection of Circulated 50p Pence Coins

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First Issued Smaller version introduced September 1997 (Larger version introduced October 1969, demonetized in 1998)

Specifications (Since 1997)

Diameter 27.3mm

Weight 8.0g

Thickness 1.78mm

Composition Cupro-nickel (75% copper, 25% nickel)

Obverse: Portrait of Her Majesty the Queen.


1985-1997 - Raphael Maklouf

1998-2015 - Ian Rank-Broadley FRBS

2015 to date - Jody Clark

Edge Plain

Background Information

Fifty pence

United Kingdom

Value 0.50-pound sterling

Mass (1969 - 1994) 13.5 g

(1997 - present) 8.0 g

Diameter (1969 - 1994) 30.0 mm

(1997 - present) 27.3 mm

Thickness 1.78 mm

Edge Plain

Composition Cupro-nickel

Years of minting 1969 - present

Obverse: Portrait of Her Majesty the Queen.

How the shape evolved. In 1967 the Deputy Master of the Royal Mint approached the Decimal Currency Board to ask for their advice on introducing a new coin. The 10 shilling note then in use lasted only five months, and it had been suggested that a coin, which could last fifty years, would be more economical. The problem with this was that all coins were arranged in "tiers", each coin in a tier having the same weight-to-value ratio so that a bag of mixed coins could be weighed to ascertain the value so long as they were all copper, all silver, etc. Each coin was identified within its tier by its size, and each tier had to be capable of being identified by sight and touch. This was achieved in the then-existing sets by the use of different materials ("copper", "bronze", and "silver"), with the copper coins having plain rims, the bronze 3d bit being 12-sided and the silver coins having milled rims. If the 10-shilling coin were to be made in the same tier as the silver coins, it would have to be twice the weight of the Crown (then and now only in use for commemorative pieces), and it was generally agreed that that would make it very unpopular and expensive. It would therefore have to be in a new tier of its own.

The Mint needed help finding a suitable metal that was sufficiently different in color from the existing coins and which would not tarnish. This last point was considered essential because the new coin would be the most valuable coin in general circulation in the world (about £8.40 in today's values). It, therefore, had to be a different shape; various methods had been used overseas to overcome this problem, but none were without drawbacks. A hole through the coin did unacceptable things to the Queen's head (which is a legal requirement on British coins), and wavy-edged, flat-edged, or square coins could not be used in the coin-handling machinery which was then coming into increasing use in industry, banking and vending. To be used in a vending or sorting machine, a coin would have to roll under gravity and be capable of being measured without being presented specially. In other words, it needed a constant breadth at whichever angle it was measured.

The Technical Member (and the only engineer) on the Decimal Currency Board was Hugh Conway, at that time President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Managing Director of Bristol Siddeley Engines, Bristol. He had found in a mathematical textbook a formula for a non-circular shape of constant breadth and asked the design office at Patchway, near Bristol, which generally worked on the engines for aircraft such as Concorde, Vulcan, and Harrier, to draw out the shape. However, this turned out to be a wavy-edged form with re-entrant sides which would not roll and which could not be measured easily. A designer, Colin Lewis, suggested a much simpler shape which in its basic form is an equilateral triangle with a small circle centered on each apex and a larger circular arc centered on each apex but tangential to each of the two opposite small circles. Wherever it was measured, the breadth of this shape was one small radius plus one large radius. (The small radius was not strictly necessary to the geometry, but it made the shape more practical by removing inconvenient sharp points and reducing the rate of wear, and therefore a change of size, in handling). The number of corners could be any odd number greater than one. A drawing was made to illustrate the proposal, which was accepted by Hugh Conway. He chose seven sides as a compromise between too radical a shape, which might not be acceptable to the public, and having too many sides, which would make a shape visually difficult to differentiate from a circle. The shape was drawn out by Dave Brown, and samples made from stainless steel by the Model Shop, together with a section of perspex channel with a bend to demonstrate that the "coin" would roll around corners and drop through gauging slots. The legend "50" was photo-etched (from a master drawn by Ray Gooding) on the faces of the samples since it had already been decided that the new coin would be the first coin of the new Decimal series.

When the Decimal Currency Board met, none of the other members had any suggestions to make, so when the samples were produced, the idea was accepted without opposition.

The shape of the original 50p coin has been copied all over the world (with 3, 7, 9, and 11 sides), and the new 20p coin was made in the same shape when it was introduced in 1982.

Original reverse: 1969?2008

The original reverse of the coin, designed by Christopher Ironside, and used from 1969 to 2008, is a seated Britannia alongside a lion, accompanied by either NEW PENCE (1969? 1982) or FIFTY PENCE above Britannia, with the numeral 50 underneath the seated figure.

To date, three different obverses have been used. In all cases, the inscription is ELIZABETH II D.G.REG.F.D. 2013,[4] where 2013 is replaced by the year of minting; the Benjamin Britten coin (2013) additionally has the denomination, FIFTY PENCE, on the obverse, before the year (as the commemorative obverse omits the denomination entirely).[5]

As with all new decimal currency, until 1984, the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Arnold Machin appeared on the obverse,[6] in which the Queen wears the 'Girls of Great Britain and Ireland' Tiara.

Between 1985 and 1997, the portrait by Raphael Maklouf was used,[6] in which the Queen wears the George IV State Diadem.

In 1997 the 50p coin was reduced in size, and the older coins were removed from circulation. The design remained unchanged.[7]

From 1998 to 2015, the portrait by Ian Rank-Broadley has been used,[6] again featuring the tiara, with a signature-mark IRB below the portrait. In 2008 the obverse design was rotated slightly to match the new reverse design, which is displayed with the heptagon point down rather than point up.

As of June 2015, coins bearing the portrait by Jody Clark have been seen in circulation.

In August 2005, the Royal Mint launched a competition to find new reverse designs for all circulating coins apart from the £2 coin.[8] The winner, announced in April 2008, was Matthew Dent, whose designs were gradually introduced into the circulating British coinage from mid-2008.[9] The designs for the 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, and 50p coins depict sections of the Royal Shield that form the whole shield when placed together. The shield in its entirety is featured on the £1 coin. The 50p coin depicts the lowest point of the Royal Shield, with the words FIFTY PENCE below the point of the shield. The coin's obverse remains unchanged. It should be noted that this coin is an example of a shape of constant width. Shapes of constant width are shapes that have constant width but are not circular.[10]

Variations Edit

In addition to the standard designs, there have been several variant reverse designs used on the 50p coin to commemorate important events.[11] These are summarised in the table below.

Year Event Design Designer Mintage[12]

1973 United Kingdom's accession to the European Economic Community The inscription "50 PENCE" and the date of the year, surrounded by nine hands, symbolizing the nine members of the Community, clasping one another in a mutual gesture of trust, assistance, and friendship David Wynne 89,775,000

1992?93 United Kingdom's Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the completion of the Single European Market A representation of a table on which are placed twelve stars, linked by a network of lines to each other and also to twelve chairs around the table, on one of which appear the letters "UK", and with the dates "1992" and "1993" above and the value "50 PENCE" below Mary Milner Dickens 109,000

1994 50th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings A design representing the Allied invasion force heading for Normandy and filling the sea and sky, together with the value "50 PENCE" John Mills 6,705,520

1998 United Kingdom's Presidency of the European Union, and the 25th Anniversary of the United Kingdom's accession to the European Economic Community A celebratory arrangement of stars with the letters "EU" between the Anniversary dates "1973" and "1998" and the value 50 PENCE below John Mills 5,043,000

1998 50th Anniversary of the National Health Service A pair of hands set against a pattern of radiating lines with the words "FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY" and the value "50 PENCE", accompanied by the initials "NHS" which appear five times on the outer border David Cornell 5,001,000

2000 150th Anniversary of the Public Libraries Act 1850 The turning pages of a book, the Anniversary dates "1850" and "2000", and the value "50 PENCE", all above a classical library building on which appear the words "PUBLIC LIBRARIES" and, within the pediment, representations of compact discs Mary Milner Dickens 11,263,000

2003 100th Anniversary of the formation of the Women's Social and Political Union The figure of a suffragette chained to railings and holding a banner on which appear the letters WSPU, to the right a ballot paper marked with a cross and the words GIVE WOMEN THE VOTE, to the left the value 50 PENCE, and below and to the far right the Anniversary dates 1903 and 2003 Mary Milner Dickens 3,124,030

2004 50th Anniversary of the first four-minute mile by Roger Bannister The legs of a running athlete with a stylized stopwatch in the background and the value 50 PENCE below James Butler 9,032,500

2005 250th Anniversary of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language Entries from the Dictionary for the words FIFTY and PENCE, with the figure 50 above, and the inscription JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY 1755 below Tom Phillips 17,649,000

2006 150th Anniversary of the institution of the Victoria Cross 1 Depiction of the obverse and reverse of a Victoria Cross with the date 29 JAN 1856 in the center of the reverse of the Cross, the letters VC to the right, and the value FIFTY PENCE below Claire Aldridge 12,087,000

2006 150th Anniversary of the institution of the Victoria Cross 2 Depiction of a soldier carrying a wounded comrade with an outline of the Victoria Cross surrounded by a sunburst effect in the background Clive Duncan 10,000,500

2007 Centenary of the Foundation of the Scouting Movement A fleur-de-lis superimposed over a globe and surrounded by the inscription "BE PREPARED", the dates "1907" and "2007", and the denomination "FIFTY PENCE" Kerry Jones 7,710,750

2009 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew A design showing the pagoda encircled by a vine and accompanied by the dates ?1759? and ?2009? with the word?KEW? at the base of the pagoda Christopher Le Brun 210,000

2010 Celebrating 100 Years of Girlguiding UK A hexagon made of six of the shamrock symbols of Girlguiding Jonathan Evans and Donna Hainan 7,410,090

2011 Celebrating 50 years of the work of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Fifty small symbols showing the range of work of the WWF Matthew Dent 3,400,000

2013 Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Christopher Ironside The design which Ironside made for the 50p coin, showing the Coat of arms of the United Kingdom Christopher Ironside 7,000,000

2013 Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Britten The composer's name, written across musical bars, value is on the obverse for the first time Tom Phillips 5,300,000

2014 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow A cyclist and a runner, separated by the Flag of Scotland Alex Loudon and Dan Flashman 6,500,000

2015 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain Pilots running to their planes while planes fly above them Gary Breeze 5,900,000

2016 Team GB A swimmer with the Team GB logo for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games Tim Sharp TBA

2016 Battle of Hastings King Harold was hit in the eye with an arrow, a detail from the Bayeux Tapestry. John Bergdahl 5,000,000

2016 150th Anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter A portrait of Beatrix Potter above along with her name, dates of her birth and death (1866-1943), and Peter Rabbit Emma Noble TBA

2016 150th Anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter: Peter Rabbit An image of Peter Rabbit and his name Emma Noble 3,600,000

2016 150th Anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter: Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle An image of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle and her name Emma Noble TBA

2016 150th Anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter: Squirrel Nutkin An image of Squirrel Nutkin and his name Emma Noble TBA

2016 150th Anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter: Jemima Puddle-Duck An image of Jemima Puddle-Duck and her name Emma Noble TBA

2017 300th Anniversary of Sir Isaac Newton's Gold-Standard Report Aaron West TBA

There are also 29 different variants not listed here, which were minted in 2011 to celebrate the 2012 Summer Olympics.[13]

Mintages Edit

Machin portrait

1969 ~ 188,400,000

1970 ~ 19,461,500

1971-1972 ~ none

1973 ~ 89,775,000

1974-1975 ~ none

1976 ~ 43,746,500

1977 ~ 49,536,000

1978 ~ 72,005,500

1979 ~ 58,680,000

1980 ~ 89,086,000

1981 ~ 74,002,000

1982 ~ 51,312,000

1983 ~ 62,824,904

1984 ~ none

1985 ~ 682,103

1986-1991 ~ none

Maklouf portrait

1992 ~ 109,000

1993 ~ none

1994 ~ 6,705,520

1995-1996 ~ none

Size Reduced:

1997 ~ 456,364,100

Rank-Broadley portrait

1998 ~ 64,306,500

1999 ~ 24,905,000

2000 ~ 39,178,500

2001 ~ 84,998,500

2002 ~ 23,907,500

2003 ~ 23,583,000

2004 ~ 35,315,500

2005 ~ 25,363,500

2006 ~ 24,567,000

2007 ~ 2,200,000

2008 ~ 3,500,000 (Britannia design)

2008 ~ 67,747,000

2009 ~ 210,000 (Kew Gardens)

2010 ~ 7,410,090 (Girl Guiding)

2011 ~ 3,400,000 (WWF) 

2012 ~ 32,300,000

2013 ~ 10,301,000 (Royal Shield

2013 ~ 5,300,000 (Benjamin Britten)

2013 ~ 7,000,000 (Christopher Ironside)

2014 ~ 49,001,000 (Royal Shield)

2014 ~ 6,500,000 (Glasgow 2014)

2015 ~ 2,700,166 Royal Shield

2015 ~ 5,900,000 Battle of Britain

2016 ~ 963,000 Royal Shield

2016 ~ 16,600 Team GB

London 2012 Olympic sporting series:

Aquatics (swimmer) ~ 2,179,000

Archery ~ 3,345,500

2011 ~ 2,821,144

2012 ~ 524,356

Athletics (high jumper) ~ 2,224,000

Badminton ~ 2,133,500

Basketball ~ 1,748,000

Boccia ~ 2,166,000

Boxing ~ 2,148,500

Canoeing ~ 2,166,500

Cycling ~ 2,090,500

Equestrian ~ 2,142,500

Fencing ~ 2,115,500

Football ~ 1,125,500 

Goalball ~ 1,615,500

Gymnastics ~ 1,720,813

Handball 1,676,500

Hockey ~ 1,773,500

Judo ~ 1,161,500

Modern Pentathlon ~ 1,689,500

Rowing ~ 1,717,300

Sailing ~ 1,749,500

Shooting ~ 1,656,500

Table tennis ~ 1,737,500

Taekwondo ~ 1,664,000

Tennis ~ 1,454,000

Triathlon ~ 1,163,500

Volleyball ~ 2,133,500

Weightlifting ~ 1,879,500

Wheelchair Rugby ~ 1,765,500

Wrestling ~ 1,129,500[12] 

In October 1969, the 50p joined the 5p (shilling) and 10p (florin) coins in circulation, leaving only the three copper coins to be introduced on 15 February 1971 to complete the new series of decimal coins. The design on the reverse of the 50p coin features a symbol of Britannia that has appeared on our coinage since 1672. While this design may have been traditional, the shape of the new 50p coin, an equilateral curve heptagon, was revolutionary. This made it easily distinguishable from round coins both by feel and by sight, while its constant breadth allowed it to roll in vending machines.

With the introduction of smaller 5p and 10p coins in 1990 and 1992, respectively, the 50p became the largest coin in circulation. In October 1994, the Government announced a further review of the United Kingdom coinage. The results revealed a requirement for a smaller 50p coin, which was duly introduced on 1 September 1997.

Since its issue, the 50p has been used on several occasions to celebrate important events, each being commemorated by a new reverse design.

The 50p is legal tender for amounts up to £10.

Coin Image Year of Issue Design / Designer Information

1969-1982 Britannia

A figure of Britannia, seated beside a lion, with a shield resting against her right side, holding a trident in her right hand and an olive branch in her left hand, with the figure "50" below and the inscription "NEW PENCE" above

Designed by Christopher Ironside

1982-2008 Britannia - revised inscription

A figure of Britannia, seated beside a lion, with a shield resting against her right side, holding a trident in her right hand and an olive branch in her left hand, with the figure "50" below and the inscription "FIFTY PENCE" above

Designed by Christopher Ironside

2008 -12

A section of the Royal Arms showing elements of the third and fourth quarterings

Designed by Matthew Dent


United Kingdom'saccession to the European Economic Community

The inscription "50 PENCE" and the date of the year, surrounded by nine hands, symbolizing the nine members of the Community clasping one another in a mutual gesture of trust, assistance, and friendship

Designed by David Wynne


United Kingdom's Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the completion of the Single European Market

A representation of a table on which are placed twelve stars, linked by a network of lines to each other and also to twelve chairs around the table, on one of which appear the letters "UK", and with the dates "1992" and "1993" above and the value "50 PENCE" below

Designed by Mary Milner Dickens


50th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings

The design represents the Allied invasion force heading for Normandy and filling the sea and sky, together with the value "50 PENCE."

Designed by John Mills


United Kingdom's Presidency of the European Union, and the 25th Anniversary of the United Kingdom's accession to the European Economic Community

A celebratory arrangement of stars with the letters "EU" between the anniversary dates "1973" and "1998" and the value 50 PENCE below

Designed by John Mills

1998 50th Anniversary of the National Health Service

A pair of hands set against a pattern of radiating lines with the words "FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY" and the value "50 PENCE", accompanied by the initials "NHS", which appear five times on the outer border

Designed by David Cornell

2000 150th Anniversary of the Public Libraries Act

The turning pages of a book, the Anniversary dates "1850" and "2000", and the value "50 PENCE", all above a classical library building on which appear the words "PUBLIC LIBRARIES" and, within the pediment, representations of compact discs

Designed by Mary Milner Dickens

2003 100th Anniversary of the formation of the Women's Social and Political Union

The figure of a suffragette chained to railings and holding a banner on which appear the letters PSU, to the right a ballot paper marked with a cross and the words GIVE WOMEN THE VOTE, to the left the value 50 PENCE, and below and to the far right the Anniversary dates 1903 and 2003

Designed by Mary Milner Dickens

2004 50th Anniversary of the first four-minute mile by Roger Bannister

The legs of a running athlete with a stylized stopwatch in the background and the value 50 PENCE below

Designed by James Butler

2005 250th Anniversary of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language

Entries from the Dictionary for the words FIFTYand PENCE, with the figure50 above and the inscription JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY 1755 below

Designed by Tom Phillips

2006 150th Anniversary of the institution of the Victoria Cross

Depiction of the obverse and reverse of a Victoria Cross with the date 29 JAN 1856 in the center of the reverse of the Cross, the letters VC to the right, and the value FIFTY PENCE below

Designed by Claire Aldridge

2006 150th Anniversary of the institution of the Victoria Cross

Depiction of a soldier carrying a wounded comrade with an outline of the Victoria Cross surrounded by a sunburst effect in the background

Designed by Clive Duncan

2007 Centenary of the Foundation of the Scouting Movement

A fleur-de-lis superimposed over a globe and surrounded by the inscription "BE PREPARED", the dates "1907" and "2007", and the denomination "FIFTY PENCE".

Designed by Kerry Jones

2009 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Botanic Gardens

A design showing the pagoda encircled by a vine and accompanied by the dates ?1759? and ?2009? with the word?KEW? at the base of the pagoda

Designed by Christopher Le Brun

2010 Celebrating 100 Years of Girlguiding UK

Designed by Jonathan Evans and Donna Hainan

2011 Celebrating 50 years of the work of WWF

Designed by Matthew Dent

2013 Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Christopher Ironside

Designed by Christopher Ironside

2013 The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Benjamin Britten

Designed by Tom Phillips CBE RA

2014 The Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games

Designed by Alex Loudon with Dan Flashman


75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain

Designed by Gary Breeze

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Team GB

Designed by Tim Sharp

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Battle of Hastings

Designed by John Bergdahl

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Beatrix Potter Anniversary

Designed by Emma Noble

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Beatrix Potter Peter Rabbit

Designed by Emma Noble

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Beatrix Potter Jemima Puddle-Duck

Designed by Emma Noble

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Beatrix Potter Tiggy-Winkle

Designed by Emma Noble

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Beatrix Potter Squirrel Nutkin

Designed by Emma Noble

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London 2012 50p's





A swimmer submerged in water, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Jonathan Olliffe



A bow is being drawn, with the London 2012 Paralympic logo above and the denomination "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Piotr Powaga



An athlete is clearing a high jump bar with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Florence Jackson



A shuttlecock and a diagram of badminton actions, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Emma Kelly



Basketball players against the textured background of a large basketball, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Sarah Payne



A boccia player in a wheelchair is throwing a ball, with the London 2012 Paralympic logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Justin Chung



A pair of boxing gloves against the background of a boxing ring, with1 the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Shane Abery



A figure in a canoe on a slalom course, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Timothy Lees



A cyclist in a velodrome, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Theo Crutchley-Mack



A horse and rider jumping over a fence, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Thomas Babbage



Two figures fencing, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Ruth Summerfield



A diagrammatic explanation of the offside rule in football, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Neil Wolfson



A goalball player is throwing a ball with the London 2012 Paralympic logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Jonathan Wren



A gymnast with a ribbon, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Jonathan Olliffe



A handball player is throwing a ball against the background of a handball court, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Natasha Ratcliffe



Two hockey players are challenging for the ball, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Robert Evans



A judo throw, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

David Cornell


Modern Pentathlon

A montage of the five sports that form the modern pentathlon, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Daniel Brittain



A rowing boat accompanied by a number of words associated with the Olympic movement, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Davey Podmore



Three sailing boats accompanied by a map of the coast of Weymouth, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Bruce Rushin



A figure shooting, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Pravin Dewdhory


Table Tennis

Two table tennis bats against the background of a table and net, with the London 2012 Paralympic logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Alan Linsdell



Two athletes engaged in Taekwondo, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

David Gibbons



A tennis net and a tennis ball, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Tracy Baines



A montage of the three sports that form the triathlon, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Sarah Harvey



Three figures playing beach volleyball, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Daniela Boothman



The outline of a weightlifter starting a lift, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Rob Shakespeare


Wheelchair Rugby

A wheelchair rugby player in action, with the London 2012 Paralympic logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE" below.

Designed by:

Natasha Ratcliffe



Two figures are wrestling in a stadium, with the London 2012 logo above and the denomination, "50 PENCE", below.

Designed by:

Roderick Enriquez