YoYoSam Skill Toys Begleri is the newest old skill toy. It's as simple as it gets, just play around with it. It's a fidgeter's dream come true. Just twirl it, or take it to the next level with complex finger manuevers. Big Larry's super ball Begleri has the added option to bounce it. It comes back great if you drop it just right. Very fun and a little addicting. This Big Larry's Juicy Bouncy Ball Begleri are made of two transparent high bounce balls and has metal washers on the ends for a little more weight and protects ftom wear on the ball. The cord is made of braided polyester and can be trimmed to fit your own preference. We also add an extra cord in case you want to change legnths.  To learn more about Begleri and to see some tutorials, check out Skill Toy Network. (skilltoynetwork.com). Comes in drawstring velour bag with extra cord or a different color. Made in USA