The Soft Skin (Criterion Collection) [New Blu-ray]

Title: The Soft Skin (Criterion Collection)

Format: Blu-ray

Label: Criterion Collection

Genre: Foreign-French, Drama

UPC: 715515141116

Release Date: 2015

Francois Truffaut followed up the international phenomenon Jules and Jim with this tense tale of infidelity. The unassuming Jean Desailly (Le doulos) is perfectly cast as a celebrated literary scholar, seemingly happily married, who embarks on an affair with a gorgeous stewardess, played by Francoise Dorleac (The Young Girls of Rochefort), who is captivated by his charm and reputation. As their romance gets serious, the film grows anxious, leading to a wallop of a conclusion. Truffaut made The Soft Skin at a time when he was immersing himself in the work of Alfred Hitchcock, and that master's influence can be felt throughout this complex, insightful, under seen French New Wave treasure.

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