Solar Tackle NEW P1 Stainless Worldwide Pod + Front & Rear Adjustable Buzz Bars

Product Information

Solar P1 Stainless Worldwide Pod,

The Worldwide pod is the market-leading rod pod, and we've now uprated it for the P1 range. Sporting the same unique 5 Spoke, Diamond Grip Adjustment collars as the rest of the P1 range as well as subtle carbon detailing, the P1 Worldwide Pod also boasts all of the carefully engineered features that has made this pod one of the most sought after ever made.

The micro-adjust, ratchet adjustment system which allows each leg to be individually adjusted, adjustable main bar, compact design, goal-post style uprights for ultimate rigidity and compatible with a comprehensive range of extras for customizing.

In fact, the P1 Worldwide pod can be tailored to suit any venue in any country and any situation; it really is that versatile. With its compact design the Worldwide pod packs down into a small, padded carry case for easy transportation/storage. Each pod comprises two upright bridge section, 4 x 9" legs and a centre bar.

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