PMD-100 Digitalfilter Adapterplatine


PMD100 Digitalfilter Adapterplatine

Diese Platine ersetzt in vielen Schaltungen den PMD 100 Digitalfilter von Pacific Microsonics durch den in Filterstellung 'Slow' besser klingenden DF1704. Manchmal sind weitere Schaltungsänderungen nötig um eine einwandfreie Funktion zu gewährleisten.

PMD100 Digital Filter Adapter

Replaces PMD 100 Digital Filter by Pacific Microsonics and gives the user opportunity to experience the sound of the slow roll-off digital filter response of the DF 1704. It also doesn't lose one Bit of resolution on non HDCD records which is otherwise occupied by HDCD code in PMD 100 and, in some cases, allows to upgrade existing equipment to full 24 / 96 Specs. Includes onboard soldering pads for input / output format and wordlenght setting.


This item is checked before shipment and it is in 100% working condition. It is NOT an 1:1 replacement for all units! Sometimes there are circuit changes necessary to get the adapter working.
If the item is not working in specific CD-Player/Dac's send back the item and you will get a refund.