1000ml High Concentrate Copepods

Mangroves Copepods are shipped in a 500ml Bottles at 28 ppt to 32 ppt salinity (1.022 to 1.025) with a little bit of food (this food will not harm your tank residents). You will receive 2 x 500ml bottles of Copepods.
Copepods are about 2-3mm in length.

Why buy copepods for my system?
Copepods are the second largest source of protein in the oceans, second only to krill. They are the natural food of many fish in the oceans, especially the early life stages.
Some fish will not eat non-living foods, and require live feeds such as copepods and mysids. Some good examples are: mandarin gobies, any seahorse species, scooter blennies, and early life stages of dottybacks, chromis, tangs, flame angels, etc. Owner's of these type of fish definitely need a consistent and reliable source of copepods for feeding.
Reef tank systems do better when there are a variety of natural organisms to maintain the ecological balance. The reason that "live rock" or "live sand" is such a great item is that it provides a foundation for healthy microorganisms that will allow the larger, more visible fish and invertebrates to thrive.
Over time, the population of the invertebrates from the live rock will naturally decline, as they are grazed by the corals, anemones, fish and shrimp in the tank.
Mangroves copepods are a great way to boost your natural populations of copepods. 
You will receive a good batch of copepods in each container.

If you replenish your system regularly you will give these a good chance of survival.
Mangroves copepods are detritivores and will stay in your tank, thriving and reproducing without any additional food.
Mangroves Copepods are shipped in 500ml bottles at 28 ppt to 32 ppt salinity (1.022 to 1.025) with a little bit of food (this food will not harm your tank residents). Copepods will settle to the bottom during shipping, so if you open the bottle and don't see any, try shaking it up.