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"No one can protect an animal from running away, but from never coming back. The tagging with a microchip and the registration are the best insurance for your animal."

Philip McCreight, Tasso e.V.

RFID Chip reader Plus Extra for pet animal microchips transponders
Fully complying with ISO 11784/11785, 134.2 KHz FDX-B, 125 kHz HDX, FDX-A, EM4102

Please choose your accessories:

  • Standard: Reader, cushioned case, USB cable

Why do you need a pet chip reader/scanner?

You can scan the chip number and it the number is shown on the display. A chip reader is indispensable for vets, shelters, breeders, private and public animal wellfare organisations and private pet owners.

  • Before a chip is about to be set you have to check its functionality with a reader first. After implanting the chip it should be checked again to be sure that the chip is in place.
  • Do you want to identify a found animal and its owner? If the animal has a chip and is registered you need to scan the chip with a reader and look up the number in a pet database.
  • Are you a breeder and want to increase your credibility? Proof that the animal is chiped with a reader. If you as a buyer want to make sure that the animal is chiped you need to use a reader as well.
  • If you are travelling abroad with your pet we recommend you to bring your own reader. It decreases the time needed to check your animal at the border.

You can find the neccessary pet microchips in our ebay shop. The more you order the less you pay per piece.

Profi device, mini price

Do you work in a animal wellfare organization, as a vet or at authorities which find lost animals the reader Plus Extra is the right choice.
The reader Plus Extra can scan different standards so you can be sure that nearly every chip within the EU can be identified.

The practical Bluetooth function can be used quickly and easily in conjunction with an app.

Data transfer via Bluetooth:

You can transfer the read out data to a smartphone or tablet (Android, IOS) via Bluetooth. To do this, please download the PetScan app from the Play Store or App Store / IOS.With this app it is possible at any time to send the saved data by email, e.g. B. as an Excel file to export for further use.

The reader is ideal for mobile use.The display is illuminated so that you can see everything even in poor lighting conditions.  Do you have any animals with HDX ear tags? The Reader Plus Extra can also be used for this.

Reading standards:
  • FDX-A
  • FDX-B
  • HDX
  • EM4102
Reading distance:
up to 80 mm
15x8x3,5 cm
134 g (incl. battery)
FDX-B, HDX 134kHz,
otherwise depends on the reading standard
  • 3,7 V 1400mA Lithium-Ion
  • charging on a USB interface
multiline OLED-Dislplay
English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Polish
  • stores up to 1200 tag numbers
  • Memory can be read out via Bluetooth with the PetScan app
  • USB and Bluetooth interfaces
  • made of robust material
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 41783503 


Please click on a question to see the answer.

  • You get the highest quality possible. We take our promise seriously and provide only tested chips and would use them on our own pets. We have over 7000 satisfied customers. Many of them are vets, breeders or animal welfare organisations.
  • You can be sure: Our chips comply with all current EU regulations and ISO norms and are certified by ICAR (International Commitee for Animal Recording).
  • Fast Service: If we receive your payment untill 13:00 CET we ship your goods on the same business day, otherwise on the next business day.
  • Do you have any questions? Please participate from our long experience. We are always glad to help.
  • If your pet gets lost or stolen, you can be identified as the owner.
  • The fast identification of a lost pet saves a lot of money and work in animal shelters.
  • Animal tagging is important for animal welfare. The owner of abandoned animals can be identified, too.
  • Your pet is listed in your pet passport correctly.
  • For trainers: you can easily track the success of your animal in competitions.
  • Transponder controlled devices can be activated, e.g. catflaps or feeding troughs.
  • Your pet is required to be tagged if you want to take it with you traveling the EU.

Chiphandel recommends letting a vet do the injection

The vet should follow the steps below:

  1. Check with a chip reader whether the animal is already tagged with an ID chip.
  2. Check the sterility of the package.
  3. Scan the animal tag and compare the number with the one on the barcode labels.
  4. Shave the skin on the implanting place if necessary and disinfect it.
  5. Take the syringe out of the package and remove the protection cap.
  6. Place the microchip to the right position on the animal’s body (left neck side): Fold the skin above the left shoulder with your fingers and thumb. Insert the needle with pressure underneath the thumb’s nail, insert the chip and pull out the needle.
  7. Check the transponder with a reader whether the chip works correctly.
  8. Register the 15 digit tag number at a pet database (e.g. Tasso: https://www.tasso.net/Tierregister/Tier-registrieren?lang=en-US)!

The chip contains only a 15 digit number without any specific information. To track the pet's owner it is very important to register the chip number, the pet's data and the owner's data. You can compare it with a telephone directory: Each phone number has a name provided along with it. You can not identify the person you want to call if the directory would contain only the phone number. With your pet it's the same.

No, the RFID transponder does not transmit any signal until it is activated by a specific scanner/reader.


FREE WORLDWIDE, Standard delivery time: 5-21 days, longer exceptions possible

If you have any questions or the delivery takes longer than expectetd or you have problems with the product, please contact us before giving feedback on ebay. We will find a solution together.