Indulge your furry friend with these delicious grain-free dog biscuits that are packed with natural ingredients like dandelion, marshmallow, kelp, and nettle. Handmade in the United Kingdom, these biscuits are perfect for adult dogs of all breeds and life stages.

Treat your pet to these wholesome biscuits that are not only tasty but also free from grains, making them an ideal alternative for dogs with food sensitivities. Buy two packs and get one free to ensure your furry friend stays happy and healthy.

This listing is for 50 grain free dog biscuits: Marshmallow, Dandelion, nettle & Kelp. This is the season many people can become affected by pollen allergies. But did you know your dog can suffer these allergies all year round, and not just to pollen. A dogs symptoms are the same as ours. Watery eyes, which may or may not be accompanied by squinting, excessively tearing up, itchy, irritable and looking bloodshot red. Any or all of these are a sign your dog has allergies. These allergies are not limited to just pollen and can last all year round. Some common things that your dog may have allergies to can range from the materials (fabrics)in and around your home as well as the household spray cleaners you use to clean your home. Staying with home is the dust that accumulates in our homes. Another of the common allergies your dog can react badly to could be the perfume or toiletries your using to medications your dog is taking or using, including their flea collar and many many more in-between. If you are a sufferer yourself then you will know just how uncomfortable this can be. When a dog has an itchy eye it uses its claws to rub/soothe the itch but in many cases this can lead to a more severe case of inflammatory issues leading to a serious eye infection. As with any type of allergy this biscuit flavour is only available as a grain free option. Locally sustained Venison, marshmallow and Nettle dog biscuits. 50 round small dog biscuits .

DOGS ALLERGIES: KELP & NETTLE Dog biscuits. What is an allergy?. Put simply an allergen isn’t an allergen until you dogs body decides that it is. They are simply sensitivities to every day objects that your dog is around day in and day out. Following on from yesterday’s Blog regarding your dogs allergies. When we humans contract an allergy it manifests itself usually nasally or Respiratory. When your dog has allergies they manifest as dermatology, it’s common to see skin rashes or itchy scratching behaviour from your dog. Some other symptoms common in canine allergies are dogs constantly chewing or scratching or licking themselves, shedding fur, eye and ear infections and in some cases vomiting or diarrhoea. Your vet may not be able to Narrow down the exact allergen but you’re vet will almost certainly look at diet, from which a diagnosis would be a change in diet. Nettle has a mild antihistamine effect on dogs while the kelp supports your dogs immune system and the Venison is lean and healthy and adds strong flavour your dogs will enjoy. It’s still worth having your dog checked at the vets to rule out Hypothyroidism.

PLEASE NOTE: Any allergy’s to either your dog or the people handling these I need to know. Some of the flours I have at my disposal may contain trace elements of nuts, seeds, oats etc. If I know of any allergies then I can work around whatever allergies you tell me you, your pet or anyone handling my biscuits have. I always make my allergy customers my first bake so there is no cross contamination.

OTHER OPTIONS: You may also wish to know my prices are £1 lower per bag on my web (and with free postage) site. Also I have 50 biscuits for £0.99p in cheese flavour, coconut and beef flavour. I also bake chew stick at 10p each and have a wider selection of shapes and sizes.

PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE NOTE: ALLERGIES: if either yourself your pet or anyone who may handle our products suffers from allergies it is always best to contact us prior to ordering. I bake many flavours on different days and I make and use a lot of my own flours. Thank you. I work with peanut treats and I use dairy, gluten and wheat products daily. Thank you, in the event of allergies I Will always make and bake your orders before any of my other bakes that evening. I also add herbs and spices to almost all of my treats which are all of benefit to my canine customers. Most of the herbs I use are common garden herbs, mint being the most common herb I add without advertising it, Fresh mint gives your dogs a nicer smelling breath as well as having properties that lower the gas emissions of your dog. I have greyhounds and every other step on and off my sofa or bed is accompanied by a noisy foul smelling pump. Separately I have a listing for this with heaps of mint and other herbs.

GRAIN FREE: is my investment of my time and experience in making, blending and milling my own grain free flours. Currently I’m milling 15 of my own including Green banana flour, red lentil flour, beetroot flour, barley flour, spinach flour, arrowroot flour, polenta, coconut flour, potato starch flour, and many more. Certain flours I use with certain ingredients some flours absorb ingredients better than others while some flours cook better at a lower setting for soft bake biscuits for puppies and older dogs while some flours are totally unsuitable for diabetic dog biscuits and others work well with the roots/herb/spiced biscuits. I’ve been a baker man and boy for almost 46 years now. If you have any specific requirements regarding your dogs dietary health needs then please feel free to contact me to discuss your dogs dietary needs.

FRESH BAKED: All of my biscuits are baked fresh to order. I neither hold or carry any stock. Any biscuits I bake extra each evening are save to the end of the week and are donated to one of the many charities I support.

WHY CHOOSE ME: Why choose canine-organics to bake your dog,s treats. 46 years a baker, man and boy, now in the autumn of my years and I still find I enjoy baking too much much to stop. I’m fortunate enough to have had a career doing something I’m passionate about, even after all these years. I take as much pride in baking for your canine companion as I did for my shop customers..

PAST FLAVOURS: from time to time I remove slow selling flavours exchanging them for new fresh looking choices. If you’re looking for a certain flavour that perhaps you’ve ordered in the past and can not find it please message me as I can bake it. It’s possibly not one of my better known flavours and I have just suspended it in favour of a new flavour Im trying out. If I can I like to add anew flavour a month so my regular customers are not sick of seeing the same old flavours. But please ask I can bake it for you. Like wise if you have your own idea for a flavour please let me know.

THIS FLAVOUR: like all our other treats can be made available as Gluten/wheat free and Diabetic Options. I specifically bake treats for dogs with sensitivity to gluten/wheat/diabetes and many other health issues. To select one of the above options please click sellers other items and locate the option that best suits your needs. I also bake for dogs with many many health issues. Feel free to contact me to discuss your dog’s needs.

THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER; In your dogs diet. Water is not only important as part of your dogs daily diet, it can also be the reason some dogs have poor quality coats. In some areas water quality can be attributed to dull lifeless coats in some dogs. Bottled natural spring water is by far the best option for your dogs as it contains no impurities. Where some owners may have multiple dogs and buying Bottled spring water could be a financial burden then you can filter you water to remove any contaminants. Also If you feed canned dog food this is mostly water, check the label to see where the water is from. The more expensive feed will contain the best water. If it’s not good enough for me, it’s not good enough for my dog is my philosophy. My grain free dog biscuits for dogs with ALOPECIA, EXZMA DRY, ITCHY FLAKY SKIN and other skin conditions including a Poor, Dull or Lifeless coat Are now all being made with Natural Spring water.

THANK YOU: for looking at my listing, I have many other flavours available if you care to click sellers other items. As this listing is for an artisan baked product it is baked specifically per each customer order therefore I carry no stock. As each Flavour is baked fresh to order I need time to go out and source the ingredients. I have therefore given 5 day,s as a maximum time for orders to be baked and in the post for you, however in certain cases it can take longer to source the ingredients or at particular busy periods like bank holiday Etc I will always contact you prior to posting out and keep you fully updated. Thank you.

POSTAGE: Is second class Royal Mail 3-5 days delivery and is free to all of my customers no matter how few or how many bags you choose. Royal Mail last year delivered 98% of my parcels within 3 days.

INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: Postage is FREE to eu countries, however please check your own countries rules on importing Dog biscuits.