Hard to find complete original 70-pager June 1958 number of Poetry (Chicago) is in very good condition. See photo #2 for some contents. Highlights include:  

Two poems by Louis Zukofsky including his subtitled "Stratford-on-Avon" (on Shakespeare).

Reed Whittemore's 7-page essay on 4 new books by and about Shakespeare

Poet Robert Duncan in defense of criticism of Ezra Pound penned earlier by Louis Coxe. This is a letter of some interest.

Muriel Rukeyser's translation of new poems by Octavio Paz, who would win the Nobel Prize in Literature 32 years later. This is Paz's first and only appearance in the monthly.

Galway Kinnell's review essay of "Four First Volumes." Works by Frank O'Hara, Daniel Berrigan, Ted Hughes, etc. 

John Tagliabue on the works of Juan Ramon Jimenez.

Other new poems by Donald Hall, Josephine Miles, British poet, critic and writer John Wain (his first appearance in the magazine), Vernon Watkins, Hy Sobiloff and others.

Hugh Kenner on the Letters of William Carlos Williams.