This is the 26 September 1977 number of the New Yorker and it's a very good copy. 148 pages. 

See photo #2 for complete contents. 

Some highlights I see include: 

A cover by Robert Tallon. 

A great new Charles Addams cartoon. See photo #3. 

A new story by S.J. Perelman. 
A new story by Shirley Hazzard. 

A poem by Jorge Luis Borges, here translated by Alastair Reid. 

John Updike reviews new books, among them, The Moment of True Feeling, by the 34 year-old Austrian-born author Peter Handke. He will win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 42 years (2019). 

Critic Pauline Kael on new films, including George Lucas' Star Wars, among others.