You'll be hard pressed to find another 17 March 1849 single issue of the Boston weekly Living Age in any kind of condition. This one is a very good copy neatly rescued by me from an old damaged bound volume of the magazine. 

Complete and 47 pages. Nice clean text. See photo #2 for more contents. 

Highlights include: 

A long opening essay (15 pages) by A.J. Joyce on the progress of "Mechanical Invention" of the time. This is an item of some interest. 

The learned writer and able critic Elizabeth Eastlake pens a longer essay in review of two new (now classic) works of fiction, William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero and Jane Eyre: an Autobiography by Charlotte Bronte. 14 pages. 

A 2+ page review essay with a good deal of quotation by John Greenleaf Whittier in review of Poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes. It's headed "Mirth and Medicine." 

Eight pages (chapters 4-7) of English novelist Dinah Mulock's early serial novel "The Self-Seer." Here first printed in America (from the English Fraser's Magazine)

Other essays, news of the day, etc. 

Some author identifications above are drawn from the Wellesley Index, Vol. 1, 498 & 732 and Vol. 2, 404.