A pack of First Day Cover protection sleeves:

storage.boutique has developed an innovative new, lightweight three layer, archive sleeve specifically sized for three different sizes of First Day Covers. As you would expect, all storage.boutique sleeves are acid free. In addition, our sleeves are coated on the outside layer of the three layer film to retard the harmful effect of ultra violet light. The middle layer is a dense core giving strength which prevents tearing. The inside layer of our sleeve is made from an untreated material which ensures that the sleeves are completely acid free on contact with your precious collectable. Our sleeves are sealed at the edge by compression and ultrasound, meaning that they fit neatly around your collectable putting the focus on the contents. The new technology material does not dull or scratch over time and retains the crystal clear transparency that you want for your collection.

SIZE A = 115x225mm, PACK OF 50

SIZE B = 120 x 220 mm, PACK OF 50

SIZE C = 118 x 232 mm, PACK OF 50

SIZE D (Pre 1948) = 100 x 150 mm, PACK OF 100