Duchesse de Nassau, Luxembourg

Catégorie : CDV > portraits > Familles Royales et Impériale
Année : Circa 1870
Type : Tirage albuminé
Format (cm): 6,5x10,5

CDV vintage albumen. Elisabeth Mikhailovna Romanova

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mikhailovna Romanova (painted by Woldemar Hau , 1844)
Elizabeth Mikhailovna of Russia (born May 14, jul. / 26. May 1826 greg. In Moscow ; † 28. January 1845 in Wiesbaden ) was a Russian Grand Duchess and Duchess of Nassau.

She was the daughter of Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia (1798-1849) and the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna in Moscow Kremlin born. About her father Elisabeth was the granddaughter of Tsar Paul and niece of Tsar Alexander I and Nicholas I. Elisabeth was by her aunt, the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna and a close friend of her mother, named.

Early life [ Edit | Source Edit ]
She grew up in St. Petersburg and was known for her beauty. In 1843 visited Adolf of Nassau , the later first Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Russia and met Elisabeth for the first time. Adolfs stepmother mother Princess Pauline of Württemberg, Elizabeth's aunt. Adolf and Elizabeth fell in love and married to on January 31, 1844 in St. Petersburg. Elisabeth was 17 years old, Adolf already 26. After the marriage the couple remained a short time in Russia, and then moved to their residence to Biebrich am Rhein in Wiesbaden. Elisabeth, now Duchess of Nassau, was the people very popular and the couple lived very happily.

Death [ Edit | Source Edit ]

Tribute to the deceased of a work on the legends Nassau
In 1845, Elizabeth died, however, at the birth of a daughter, who also did not survive the birth. The deep grieving Duke ordered the construction of a Russian Orthodox Church in Wiesbaden that the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Elizabeth , which was to start the remains of his beloved wife. The Orthodox duchess could be buried only in a consecrated the Orthodox rite site, for which the Russian embassy chapel at Rheinstrasse was unsuitable. The hillside location of the Church on the Neroberg was chosen by Adolf himself so that he always had the church from his residence in view. The high dowry of the Duchess, a gift from the Tsar for his niece, was used on the pious wish of Duke Adolf now and according to the will of the Czar to build the church. To this end, Duke Adolf had before his court architect Philipp Hoffmann to Russia, in the home of Elizabeth, sent so that it is studying the local church construction.

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