Description Summary
Sticky Baits Manilla Range
Main Description
Shelf Life Boilies:
Like all of our shelf life baits, this is as close to their freezer bait counterpart as possible. There is only one difference between the two mixes, this being the inclusion of a natural preservative to prolong the shelf life of the bait. Far from being detrimental this makes the bait suitable for a wider customer base. Anyone already using Manilla Freezer Bait knows it’s worth keeping a kilo or two of Manilla Shelf Life in the car.

The outer coating of the Manilla Pellets contains our exclusive peanut protein, as well as high levels of soluble milks that leave a dense cloud of attraction that hugs the lake bed. The liquid element of the coating is packed with tons of natural salts and sugars as well as the awesome Madagascan vanilla extract that will certainly grab any hungry carp’s attention!

Great for use in PVA bags, ground baits or spod mixes and can also be ‘balled up’ with the addition of a liquid, which makes them ideal for moulding, round a method feeder. For a really effective tip try fishing a Manilla Wafter over a mix of Manilla Pellets and chopped Manilla Boilies. What fish could resist this bed of complete attraction!

Active Mix:
Within Manilla Active Mix are high levels of the matching base mix, along with a boosted level of soluble ingredients, which results in a far faster release of attractors than a boiled bait could ever achieve. When submerged in water, the Manilla Active Mix really comes to life releasing small food particles that will rise through the water column, drawing fish in and giving them that extra encouragement to feed whilst keeping food items to a minimum.

This product was designed for carp anglers to use for bags and sticks but will appeal to a huge percentage of anglers, whatever their target. No cheap bulking out agents are added to this high quality mix, so if money is tight, it can be cut 50/50 with crumb and still remain a very effective mix. We suggest dampening it down with our Cloudy Manilla Liquid for the ultimate in fish pulling natural attraction.

Hookbait Kit:
So the solution, enter the Manilla Hookbait Kit. This basemix and liquid package is designed to closely match the normal bottom baits, however we have added a natural toughening agent, making this perfect for both hardened hookbaits and cork ball pop-ups without the need to mesh.

Not only does this Manilla Hookbait Kit offer a different style of hookbait, it also means you can tweak your hookbaits to make them completely individual and stand out from the rest of your freebies should you wish. We suggest the inclusion of any of our Pure Naturals range as these additives have been carefully selected to work hand in hand with our hookbait kits . We supply usage guidelines for all our Pure Natural range on their packaging – however we feel these can be easily increased for exclusively using in hookbaits.

Pop Ups:
The 12mm’s Pop-Ups are great for both zigs and snowman presentations, whereas the 16mm’s are ideal for the ultra-popular chod rigs and will keep a big hook up indefinitely; we believe these two sizes should cater for all occasions.

You may note they come in a slightly different colour than the bottom baits but this is no accident, once the bottom baits have been immersed in water they will match the Manilla Pop-ups perfectly. If you wish to increase attraction further still, then our Manilla Glug and Bait Spray are available, making a combo we think is irresistible to any carp. Great as singles or fished over any of our Manilla products.

White Ones:
As well as the fluoro colour, these little beauties also have boosted attractor levels to really help them stand out and steal you those extra pick-ups. The 12mm’s are great for both zigs and snowman presentations, whereas the 16mm’s are ideal for the ultra-popular chod rigs and will keep a big hook up indefinitely; we believe these two sizes should cater for all occasions.

Yellow Ones:
These super-buoyant pop-ups offer a great visual edge when bites are hard to come by on their traditional food bait counterpart. Along with the colour, these little beauties also feature boosted attractor levels to really make them stand out and steal you those extra pick-ups. You only have to open a tub and take a sniff to see what we mean! The 12mms are great for zigs and snowman presentations, whereas the 16mm’s are ideal for the ultra-popular chod rig and will hold a big hook up indefinitely; we believe these two sizes should cater for all occasions.

You may note they come in a slightly different colour than the bottom baits but this is no accident, once the bottom baits have been immersed in water they will match the wafters perfectly. If you wish to increase attraction further still, then our Manilla Bait Glug and Bait Spray are available, making a combo we think is irresistible to any carp. Great as singles or fished over any of our Manilla products.

These dumbell-shaped, sinking hook baits also come with an extra soluble coating to maximise their leakage and attraction. The Manilla Dumbells make an ideal alternative hook bait for fishing over Manilla Active Mix and Manilla Pellets. As well as this, they are a superb choice for stalking and short sessions as the fast acting coating maximises the instant attraction of these hookbaits.

Tuff Ones:
As you may have noticed, Manilla boilies straight from the bag are extremely soluble and break down very quickly, meaning they can only be used as a hookbait for a short period of time – enter the Manilla Tuff Ones. We have no intention of “fixing” the baits straight from the bag, as their extremely soluble nature is in our eyes what makes our baits so effective in the first place!

As with all of our baits, the secret to Manilla Paste lies within more than one ingredient, so the rest of the mix is made up of a complex combination of blended milk proteins and bird foods with an exceptional track record. The instant attraction, and the namesake of the range, comes from a completely natural, pure Madagascan vanilla extract that will not only Utilising only the finest ingredients, it results in a sweet, creamy paste with a potent aroma. The addition of a natural preservative at the optimum level pro-longs the life of this bait for the angler’s convenience.

This pastes quick breakdown time and fast dispersion of its attractors, ensures maximum fish pulling power. Although this product is designed to wrap around our Manilla hookbaits the Manilla Paste has a multitude of other applications, whether carp, chub, tench, bream, barbel or roach are your target.

Bait Spray:
The new Bait Sprays are a much lighter alternative, that easily absorb in to your chosen hookbait, yet still pack the same punch as their thicker counterpart – so simply grab a tub of hookbaits give them a couple of sprays to seriously boost their attraction!

With no synthetic chemicals or flavours added, this pure liquid food glug cannot be overused and many anglers have adopted it to give their freebies added fish pulling attraction.

Though this was formulated for use with our Manilla Boilies and hookbaits it can of course be used to turn any bait or mix a bit Sticky!

Manilla Liquid:
This natural liquid presents a combination of highly soluble liquid foods as well as salts and sugars that drive the fish into a feeding frenzy. Once applied to the swim, the Cloudy Manilla creates a hazy cloud that sits close to the lake bed, giving fish the confidence to feed freely.

The Cloudy Manilla Liquid perfectly compliments the Manilla Active Mix, but we also like to add some Manilla Pellets and crushed Manilla Boilies to finish of the mix. Not only is it great for PVA mixes, it also makes the perfect addition to any spod mix to create a haze in your swim. Another great use for any of the “Cloudys” is dampening our Manilla Pellets and “balling” them in.

Each item sold separately