NuPrime - Plant Solutions is proud to introduce its newest line of products for hydroponics.

Three-Part Solution

NuPrime developed the Hydrae line as the ultimate nutrient solution for hydroponics and drip irrigation. Introduced here is Hydrae GrowHydrae Micro, and Hydrae Bloom. A bundle that provides a perfect balance of all the macro and micronutrients that your plant needs, coupled with our physiological additives to enhance and unlock all the potential of your plants.

Ideal Macronutrients

Hydrae GrowHydrae Micro, and Hydrae Bloom provide the ideal amounts of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium, Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfur that will allow your plants to grow and bloom the best way possible!

Complete range of Micronutrients

Hydrae GrowHydrae Micro, and Hydrae Bloom combined provide all the essential micro elements your crop needs. Boron, Colbalt, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum and Zinc are all in there so your plants have access to all of their needs!

Physiological Enhancement

Hydrae GrowHydrae Micro, and Hydrae Bloom three-part system provides physiological precursors additives in the right ammount. These molecules are there to help your plants overcome any stress and harsh conditions that might arise. This way, your crop can focus on growing and enhancing its quality.

No Dyes or Artifical Additives
Anything inside Hydrae GrowHydrae Micro, and Hydrae Bloom is either a nutrient or a naturally ocurring additive. 


Feed your plants with the best sources of Nitrogen. There is no highly volatile source of N on Hydrae GrowHydrae Micro, and Hydrae Bloom!

Great for all plants

You might be planting lettuce, microgreens, berries ou hemp. Use our great combo and get the best result!