Zenerik Yeneƨis

180 GR

altenative black cover  / white vinyl





Free Jazz, Contemporary Jazz ,Progressive Rock , Improvisation , Psychedelic Jazz

1     Fear     
2     Confusion     
3     Realization     
4     Acceptance     
5     Deliverance     



    Bass, Producer – Lina Fontara*
    Flute, Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone – Tsaggali Dee*
    Guitar, Engineer – Zacharias Kotsikis*
    Percussion – Andonis Papazoglou*
    Trumpet – Alexandros Kritikos*


Executive Producers:

Yannis " sadeye" Symeonides

Dimitris Karytsiotis

Lina Fontara


4 stars

Yes it's not generic but ZENERIK! Their first sensory theatre "Yenesis" features five mind operations. Our inner mind space would be invaded step by step, firstly by fear, followed by confusion, and we would get realization, acceptance, and finally our mind be operated with deliverance from the real world by their psychedelic production. Their vision for the audience is not only complicated but also positive in an auditory manner ... this fact can be understood when we listen to each of their nervous sensors with every song title.

Along with comfortable saxophone vibes, randomized fearful drumming and guitar chopping seasoned with weird electronic mutations rush forward. This extremely phenomenal curtain call would build avantgarde jazz rock structure up thoroughly. Some of their avantgarde jazz rock phrases do not have enough novelty indeed but electronic Kraut-y eccentricity with crazy wind instrumental scatter would give them definite innovation ... We can hear this exaggerated soundscape confusion mixed altogether via the second track "Confusion", that obviously has a novel movement.

The last "Deliverance" has definite philosophical point of view ... dreamy melodic lines based upon steady deep beats drive the audience into the fantasia. A bombastic storytelling generated with their excellent play and well matured composition would get in top gear. A killer creation really. (DamoXt7942)

Ptolemaic Terrascope:

''Greek combo Zenerik cook up an avant-garde blend of minimalist jazz/psychedelia and the resulting dish is a flavoursome if perhaps acquired taster of Gong bashing out Eric Dolphy’s free jazz (anti) classic “Out To Lunch”. If that sounds a little weird then it’s because it probably is but it also works, especially “Deliverance”, the most fully formed of the five main entities here and which grooves along beautifully with a mellowing lope, the various reeds playing to subtle and quite mesmerising effect over a steady rhythm, supplemented by some gentle moog and melodic guitar. The CD contains three bonus tracks – or to be more precise, three versions of a composition entitled “Fear”, all good.'' (Ian Fraser)

iO Pages (Progressive music dutch magazine):
"Although I’ve never heard of the label “krautjazz”, that the Greek band Zenerik sticks on its music, before, it covers the content in a nice way. What they present sounds like the old work of Can and more like the ‘krautige’ (spicy herbal) German pioniers. And sometimes a bit like experimental jazz-rock as it was used to be made by Magma followers as Zao. The frequent use of the flute reminds you of the older work of Paul Horn. The amount of melodies stays limited, but the scratchy sounds are not that annoying to lead to bleeding ears. However, expect an uncomfortable sound session in the spirit of the misty seventies, with a somewhat ‘trippy’ effect. This album is quite an amusing CD for the adventurous listener, but it’s absolutely not suitable for a family birthday party."

progwereld  (Wouter Brunner)
If the music year 2015 already is something, it is for me the year of jazz rock. Having previously excellent albums by Nathan Parker Smith, Schnellertollermeier and Panzer Ballett have discussed this site, it is now the turn of the Greek Zenerik, which has been several months ago debuted with "Yenesis". If a band then also protects the qualification 'avant-garde' then worked my interest.

Yenesis, it's no surprise, is Greek for birth. A fitting title for a debut accordingly. Yet it is also a striking album title, given the names of the songs that includes: anxiety - confusion - realization - acceptance - salvation is a development cycle that I in any case not directly associate with a birth. Which themes will be hidden in the numbers, remains unknown. It may be a personal process, but for the same money will be here in 35 minutes summarized the social unrest of recent years.
What is clear is that the titles describe the music very well. After a brief sound clip (perhaps the exegetical key, but I could not make chocolate from there) opens Fear confused, menacing, ominous. Horns blowing, guitars tear, but is mostly played alongside each other and the end piece even sounds like the howling of wolves in the night. Confusion does in confusion obviously not to include, but musical sounds in a lighter stroke. Although the flute replaces the trumpet as lead blower, but remains only a primus inter pares in the attention battle of birds in mating season.
Realization can be seen as the transition number, which in the final minutes the music becoming more melodic and the album is slowly coming to rest. The contrarian disappears and the noses go the same direction. Through Acceptance we end up with the highlight of the album, Deliverance, which can safely be called exaltisch. The pace has been considerably scaled down over it and interweaving guitar and winds its way to salvation. What exactly is the salvation then, God knows, but peace and harmony are the key words of this song, mine still half an hour so had been allowed to continue.

With "Yenesis" Zenerik has shot at me in the eye. The band knows very well emotionally complex music to load and I can not remember which one record in this genre I previously took as a concept. If you must already have identified a flaw, it is the short playing that album unfortunately. For the CD buyer are then again added three variations on Fear for the pain to soften, so I can not help (and will!) Recommend this album than wholeheartedly. The album is free to listen to it on Bandcamp, so go do it especially once!


"progressive rock in free improvisation through an exploratory-psychedelic disposal"

"a series of five compositions aiming, first, in a high dynamic sound pluralism"

"Electrical "freedom" to trigger lasting and unplanned surprises, the gaming imagination brings all kinds breaks protagonists of the recording, the electronic filling and stretch the "gaps" and the bass, like the rest of rhythmic section, arrange all the individual intensities, the Zenerik can boast that they delivered a work that could, through a more focused recording / production to hit very high. But too high. I admire their style the ultimate "Deliverance", a piece that refers sto space-improv-prog of Catapilla album "Changes",."


"Gli Zenerik sono un combo greco fondato nel 2014 dalla bassista/compositrice Lina Fontara, membro dell'ensamble sperimentale Popi's Orchestra.
L' unica uscita discografica-finora- risale al 2015, si tratta dell'album Yenesis che dura soli 35 minuti per sei tracce strumentali in cui le linee melodiche si inframezzano a momenti più cerebrali più orientati ad un jazz rock d'avanguardia passando su territori più prettamente psyco prog con notevoli incursioni fiatistiche.
Line up: Lina Fontara (basso), Tsaggali Dee (flauto, clarinetto, sassofono soprano), Zacharias Kotsikis (chitarra) Andonis Papazoglou (batteria, percussioni) e Alexandros Kritikos (tromba)"