This Auction is for a 1996 CreeD Chromium 50 card base set in plastic case.

Ste put out by Krome Productions.

Cards are as follows:


No.   Title / Text / Artist                      Subset


 1    (C.J.) "Freedom" is a word CreeD, Mark F   Character Subset

 2    (Disorder) Twisted, malicious revenge is   Character Subset

 3    Mai-Ling was born in the world of dreams   Character Subset

 4    Mary is the most delightful vision of cl   Character Subset

 5    (Hummer) Noted as one of the last four g   Character Subset

 6    The Skeeziks is the major force of The V   Character Subset

 7    Mary Anne Burke, isn't JUST another stud   Character Subset

 8    (Mai-Ling and Hummer) There was a time i   Character Subset

 9    Tamuran is the brawn of the guardian for   Character Subset

10    "Child of Lost Dreams"? Could a boy of t   Story Subset

11    With Mary on the mind, how can one be ex   Story Subset

12    The Void is coming! Who can stand agains   Story Subset

13    Being "The CreeD" gives Mark Farley the    Story Subset

14    The Skeeziks infest the land like a canc   Story Subset

15    The trip back to reality is never an eas   Story Subset

16    Mary has been captured? It can't be for    Story Subset

17    The shape changing Disorder and his abil   Story Subset

18    Entangled in the grasp of Disorder, Mark   Story Subset

19    The only way to prevent Disorder from en   Story Subset

20    Cascan Jep, being made completely of Dre   Story Subset

21    Having friends from different worlds has   Story Subset

22    Those in reality that lose their will to   Story Subset

23    The Skeeziks are a savage sort of creatu   Story Subset

24    There are only three rules to the World    Story Subset

25    The "Rat Creature" Tamuran happens to be   Story Subset

26    Mai-Ling, "Mistress of Enchanted Beauty"   Story Subset

27    Run for your life!!! The Skeeziks are co   Story Subset

28    Mary Anne Burke and Mark Farley (top)      Pinup Gallery

29    Mary Anne Burke and Mark Farley (middle)   Pinup Gallery

30    Mary Anne Burke and Mark Farley (bottom)   Pinup Gallery

31    The Skeeziks are a savage sort of creatu   Pinup Gallery

32    Cranial Disorder #1 Cover (Matt Martin)    Pinup Gallery

33    C.J. isn't just any frog, unless any fro   Pinup Gallery

34    (Mai-Ling) Stained with the blood of Ske   Pinup Gallery

35    Hummer                                     Pinup Gallery

36    Mary and CreeD (Bill Maus)                 Pinup Gallery

37    The King of Dirt... prisoner of his own    Dreamworld Rookie Subset

38    General Saxum is the leading general of    Dreamworld Rookie Subset

39    (Shrapnel) Though he speaks a language t   Dreamworld Rookie Subset

40    Everette Hartsoe                           Special Guest Artist Gallery

41    Matt Martin [Mai-Ling]                     Special Guest Artist Gallery

42    Cabbie                                     Special Guest Artist Gallery

43    Eric Johns                                 Special Guest Artist Gallery

44    Kirk Lindo                                 Special Guest Artist Gallery

45    Bret Williamson                            Special Guest Artist Gallery

46    Matt Martin [Disorder]                     Special Guest Artist Gallery

47    Matt Martin [Mai-Ling close-up]            Special Guest Artist Gallery

48    Slick                                      Special Guest Artist Gallery

49    Rick Lyon                                  Special Guest Artist Gallery

--    Trading Card Checklist




Will be shipped in via USPS First Class mail in the USA based on your zipcode .

International shipping Based on location

I will combind shipping.