
4.1 oz.

 Overall Length:

7 1/2"


Structural Nylon

Bob Koga began his martial arts career at an early age beginning with Judo at 12 and moving on to wrestling in high school. After graduation Bob joined the Air Force, and while stationed in Japan, he resumed his Judo training as well as studying Jiu Jitsu, Jo-do and Akido. After finishing his stint in the Air Force, Bob moved to Los Angeles where he joined the LAPD and served with great distinction for 25 years. Upon retirement, Bob launched a second career as a police trainer who specialized in teaching officers how to control and subdue violent offenders using empty hands as well as with the famous Koga .

Made of virtually unbreakable plastic, the SD1 can increase the ability of the average person to defend himself several times over. With proper training, it can function as a fantastic aid in leverage when obtaining joint locks or submission holds.

HTML clipboardThe SD-1 bridges the gap between too much and too little force by concentrating and magnifying the effect of hand blows while minimizing the likelihood of permanent injury or death. If you’re looking to expand your continuum of force options in a self-defense situation, we heartily suggest you buy a Koga SD-1

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