NEW & Ready to Ship Fast! + Download Included - Simon Speech Recognition Accessibility Software on a Professional Disc - Provided by Sharper Jacks
Simon Speech Recognition
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Simon is an open-source speech recognition program and replaces the mouse and keyboard.

Simon is designed to be very flexible and allows customization for any application where speech recognition is needed.

Simon is a potential European project of "e-inclusion" because of the language-independent programming.

Simon is in development for physically disabled people and seniors to give them the possibility to chat, to write e-mails, to surf the internet, to do internet-banking and much more.

The system is designed to be as flexible as possible and will work with any language or dialect.

Simon uses the KDE libraries, CMU SPHINX and / or Julius coupled with the HTK.

With a few words (Numbers from 0 to 9, "up", "down", etc.) you can control a number of programs like a web browser, e-mail client, media center etc.

It is possible to listen to music, watch a slide show, TV or videos or listen to the radio just with a few - free eligible - words like "right", "left", "up", "down", "ok", "stop" etc.

Daily reading of newspapers and surfing the internet is easy and uncomplicated. The number Plug-In allows you to click links just by entering numbers.

The voice controlled keyboard allows you for example to enter codes or TAN-Numbers to control your finances.

You can write to predetermined e-mail addresses using numbers and with the use of expandable text modules you can ask basic questions.

It is easy to establish connections to relatives and friends using Skype or other Voice-Over-IP solutions.

Desktop Grid

Navigate the mouse with voice control easy and fast and do simple clicks, double clicks and similar actions.


You can do several arithmetic operations in your daily routine and print either the result or the operation with the voice controlled calculator.