By Florian Lahner

Florian Lahner, born in 1974, is one of the leading tactical Instructors in Europe.
As one of very few he teaches to Law Enforcement, Military and Security Personal on a regular Base.
Additionally he shares his knowledge with civilians.
For those he focus on very easy to master, yet realistc concepts that work under stress.

Human being are tool users. When strength alone is not enough they rely on thes.
So it onl ymakes sense to look at every day items as a means of self protection.
Shown are very easy concepts of using stick-like items(rolled up newspaper, pen, OC can), flexible weapons ( belt, scarf) and more to defend onself.

„For Bram Frank, a teacher, friend and family.
Life is Modular.
It´s a matter of perspective."

Languages: English
Running Time: 38 Minutes

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