These are just some of the dogs that live at this sanctuary. Most are elderly, though there are a few younger ones here too.

Photo 1 is the newest addition, Cilla, who is 6 years old. I can't mention her circumstances, but she is settling in well to sanctuary life here. She's a sweet little girl, was a bit nervous, but is now ruling the roost having come out of her shell.

Photo 2 is Molly. She had a very bad start in life, but now lives in the lap of luxury. For a small dog she can eat a huge amount, but stays at the perfect weight. She is 15, and very active when the mood takes her.

Photo 4 is Rusty, he's a 4 year old cockapoo....with attitude! He is a very loving boy, but can take a bit of persuasion to behave at times. I certainly know I have him. This look says "I'm planning my next move".

I opened Tyr Capel Sanctuary for elderly dogs 32 years ago, and since that time, many thousands of animals have either lived out their lives here, or have gone on to new , loving homes. Nowadays, when they arrive, they stay here permanently. To fund this refuge, I have sold items at boot sales, craft fairs etc, out in all weathers , and all year round. The past years have seen many changes, the downturn in the economy has resulted in more unwanted dogs. Markets once available and profitable to sell at have lost custom, my own health now prevents me from loading heavy trailers etc, and so I find myself in a difficult predicament. Here I have the facilities, space, knowledge, and love available to continue taking in these wonderful unwanted and elderly dogs. What I don't have is a regular income to keep this sanctuary open. Our vets fees alone are huge, elderly dogs tend to need more medication, and here they get it. There is a great need for somewhere such as this. So many old pets find themselves unwanted when their health problems become expensive, or they become incontinent, or start to smell....or when their beloved owner becomes ill or dies. Very often an elderly dog finds it all too much to be placed with family who have young children or young pets. Here they can live in peace and comfort, there are no cages or kennels, all are allowed to be free to sleep where they wish, and are treated as much loved family pets. Each week I hear of others needing a safe home, most of the rescues are permanently full these days. I am selling sponsorship certificates, to enable me to keep this sanctuary open to the dogs that will need my help in 2024 and for those already here. These certificates are printed on card, and have a beautiful photograph of one of our elderly resident dogs on it, and they cost five pounds each. Every certificate sold means a chance of a peaceful and loving retirement for some dear dog when they need it most. Please will you consider buying a certificate today? They make wonderful gifts for animal lovers of all ages, and each one sold is vital to keep our doors open. If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to ask. I have dedicated my life to animals, and I so want to continue in my work. Please will you help today? Any suggestions or ideas for fund raising would also be gratefully received. My vets fees each month are huge, just the repeat prescriptions are enough, without the added costs of unexpected illness, newcomers etc. I don't know what the future will hold for my sanctuary through the coming year, what I do know is that because of the friendship and support from people who have responded to this listing, I am still helping elderly dogs here. I am indebted to those who have made regular donations, and who buy from my site, the names that are now familiar and the ones who have become friends and shared their love of animals. Bless you for your kindness, it has meant our doors are still open to the dear dogs that need a safe place. Thank you so much on behalf of the animals here.

WE also have Cat Sponsorships available.


 If you prefer you can have your certificate sent to you as a pdf file by e mail. I apologise that for any supporters out of the UK, I have to send a certificate by E mail due to high postal costs.

To the wonderful friends and people who are still supporting us during the economic crisis, my heartfelt thanks. 

I am hoping to get some help making a new website soon.


                                                                  Sheryl and the Dogs. xxx

Your purchase will help save a dogs life. Thank you so much for looking .