Ideal for collection or resell

CHINESE Original Painting - Big Fu 大阿福 "大鱼"  

to win in the first battle, game or match; to win speedy success; to hit the bull's-eye of success with the first shot

~~~ Frame not included ~~~

Not Printing

Size: 15cm X 15cm 
100% hand painted. 100% China folk art
    蜚声中外的惠山泥人,始于南朝,盛于明代,距今已有千余年历。惠山泥人题材丰富,技艺精湛,惟妙惟肖,雅俗共赏。产品分为两大类:一类为手捏泥人,构思隽妙,做工精细,郭沫若先生赞其“人物无古今,须臾出手中”,属泥人精品,具有较高的艺术欣赏和收藏价值;另一类为泥人、石膏工艺品,用模具成批生产,量大、价廉。     在惠山泥人中,人们最熟悉,也最受老百姓喜爱的就是惠山大阿福,提起大阿福,在惠山还流传着这样的民间传说。在很早以前,惠山一带野兽横行,危害儿童。有个叫“沙孩儿”的小孩,勇斗猛兽,为民除害。为了纪念“沙孩儿”,人们用惠山的粘土塑造了勇敢的“沙孩儿”形象。后来,经过历代艺人不断地加工创造,这个寄托着人们对美好生活向往的艺术形象,便在人们心中活了下来。

     是先有阿福还是先有传说,我们不得而知。但大阿福的形象与惠山寺内,建于公元876年的陀罗尼经幢上的结伽趺坐佛像,以及宋代“金莲桥”上“缠枝牡丹间化生”图案中的童子像,是那么的想象。   中国工艺美术大师 喻湘莲:因为大阿福最早是作为神供在那里的,因为它是避邪。有个传说故事,年它是白天吃太阳,晚上吃月亮,它在玩太阳和月亮,它把人搅乱了,人的生活就不安宁了。但是阿福又把年征服掉了,它就把它抱在手中,听阿宝福的话了。这样生活就安宁了,所以大家希望自己生活过得安宁。随着时代的变迁,现在又把阿福的形象变成小朋友的形象了,希望自己小孩子有神气。有种历史的演变过程在里面,慢慢演变到现在变成吉祥物。

    早期大阿福的造型,都是大耳朵的端正坐姿,面容带着佛门的慈悲和吉祥,他头上的牡丹花、胸前的长命锁、怀中的大青狮、脚上的朝靴分别代表了宝贵、长寿、避邪和少年登科等吉祥含意。   阿福的造型圆润丰满,舍去了许多形体上的枝节,整个作品不见棱角,饱满丰腴。表面起伏不论大小,一律用弧线完成。造型的圆润精细,为惠山泥人增添了一分江南风韵。这种圆与浮雕相结合的造型奠定了惠山泥人的基本风格。

    清华大学美术学院副教授 邹文:大阿福据说是造型来自于一个神话传说,说在江南那一带有一对一雌一雄的两个神人,像神仙一样的,他们有一种魅力,这魅力说来特别中国化,就是他不是很刚勇的那种很神怪的东西,他是很阴柔的一种东西,就是他一笑,敌人就会被他笑倒,倒在自己的怀抱里头任自己吞食。所以,他那种笑里头就含着很强的中国文化色彩。他就具有一种宽容和一种大度,一种气象,它对敌人的这种压制它是建立在敌人归顺自己,而不必牺牲他的生命。大阿福他一般笑容可掬,但是那后边是一种征服。


Surgery appreciation and collection value ; another as clay figurine , plaster craft , mass production using molds , large and cheap .

In Huishan clay figurines , people are most familiar , most people love is also big Fu Huishan , brought big -Fu , Huishan still circulating in this folklore . In the long ago , wild beasts Huishan area , endangering children . Man called " sand orphan " children , fought the beast , people from harm . To commemorate the " sand orphan " , people used clay shaped Huishan brave " sand baby "image . Later, ancient artists to create continuous process , the people entrusted with the artistic image of the longing for a better life , they survived in people's minds .

Is it a fools come before the legends , we do not know . But the image of Fu and Hui Shansi , the built in AD 876 on the year end Dharani Pillar Column gamma Fuzuo Buddha , and Song " golden lotus Bridge " on " inter- chemical and biological Interlocking Peony " pattern in the boy as it is Then imagine.

China Arts and Crafts master Yuxiang Lian : Because the first is as big fools for God there , because it is evil . Have legends , it is the day to eat in the sun , the moon at night to eat , play it in the sun and the moon , it upset the people , and people's life is not a peace . But Fu conquered lost again , it took hold in its hands , listen to the words of the A Baofu . This life is peace , so we want to live with peace . With the changing times , and now again the image of Fu into the image of children , and hope that their children with dignity. A kind of evolution of history in it, slowly evolved to now become the mascot .

Early Fu shape , sitting upright ears are large , face with Buddhist compassion and good fortune, the peony flower on his head , chest longevity lock , big arms, Leo , feet towards Boots represent a valuable , long life , evil and juvenile Corrections and other auspicious meaning .

Fu plump round shape , discarding a lot of body on the side , the whole works not see edges and corners , full of plump . Surface fluctuations , large or small , should be completed with the arc . Rounded shape of fine , clay figurines to add a sub- Huishan Southern charm . This combination of circular shape with relief laid the basic style of Huishan Clay Figurines .

Tsinghua University, Associate Professor Zou : Large -Fu is said to form a myth from the legend that in the south which one to one female , one male with two of God , the same as the gods , they have a charm, this charm that To particular China , is that he is not quite as Cases of the kind of thing is supernatural , he is a very feminine thing , is his smile , his enemies will be rolling on , back in his office inside the arms of his swallow . So he kind of laughed inside his mouth very strong on color in Chinese culture . He has a tolerance and a kind of generosity , a kind of weather, it is the enemy of this suppression of enemy allegiance based on their own without having to sacrifice his life. Tai Fu He usually smiling , but behind it is a conquest .


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