Emma Amos
(1938 - 2020)

Ms. Amos was commissioned by the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games to create an original painting from which official Olympic Posters and a limited edition print were created. Emma Amos, Atlanta- born painter, printmaker, weaver and writer, has lived in New York since 1960. In the 60’s, Amos was the only woman and the youngest member of Spiral, the group of black artists which included Romare Bearden, Normal Lewis and Hale Woodruff.  From her early work as a member of the black artist collective Spiral, to recent prints and canvases that deconstruct popular icons (from Picasso to ‘Lil Kim), Emma Amos challenges audiences to consider how ideas about race, sex and identity are constructed and disseminated through images.  Her works expose the ways in which images of blackness and non-western cultural forms have been historically appropriated by white artists.  At the same time, they challenge popular expectations and institutional barriers that serve to censor contemporary artists of color, particularly black women artists. 

Official Poster from the
1996 Olympic collections Publisher

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Olympic Posters and Art