Uncommon Boulevard quarterly (Drexel University) for Fall 1991 (Volume 6, Numbers 2 and 3) is in very good condition. Edited by Richard Burgin

219 pages

See photos for complete contents

Some highlights I find include: 

Fiction from Joyce Carol Oates, Steve Barthelme, Stephen Dixon, Francine Prose and others. 

Letters of Fairfield Porter, edited, with an with an introduction by Ted Leigh

Other nonfiction includes works by Richard Kostelanetz (on John Cage), Carol Ascher, and Janice Floyd Durante's "A Conversation with Allen Grossman."

Poems by Charles Simic, Marilyn Hacker, Allen Grossman, Dabney Stuart, Tina Barr, Lawrence Goldstein, and many others. 

There are also art works by Marcel Delmonte and four poems in their "Translations" feature.