Hard to find 9 April 1881 number of the Boston weekly Living Age is complete, and in good condition. This issue neatly removed by me from an old and damaged bound volume of the magazine. 

63 pages. 

Some highlights I find include:  

"Three Sonnets from Camoens," translated by Richard F. Burton. The last is headed, in Portuguese: No Mundo poucos annos, e cansadosIt opens "Few weary winters pight in wordly pale / I lived, the sport of mis'ry dour and dure." Burton's translations had just appeared in the London Athenaeum.  

The multi-talented British politician, scientific and miscellaneous writer, not to mention the 8th Duke of Argyll, George Douglas Campbell's The Unity of Nature (Part VII of X installments). 

The able Jean Ingelow's serial novel, Don John, Part IX. A book nearly impossible to find today in a first edition (1881). 

Karl Hillebrand's "[FrancoisGuizot in Private Life." 

John Addington Symonds's "Autumn Wanderings" (in the Alps and Italy).