The Black chokeberry a deciduous shrub ( zone cold 3 zone warm 8) and a member of the rose family. Native to the Northern U.S. this white flowering and fruit producing shrub can grow to a height of 3ft to 12ft tall. For optimal growth and fruit production planting should occur on low moisture well drained sites. This shrub grows abundant in full sun while still maintaining a shade tolerance. A purity rate between 97-99% and seed germination rate between 60-80%. This seed requires 90-120 of cold moist stratification. New shoots will spring up around the established plants for form a fencerow.

  The flowers are 5 white petals with pink anthers both aromatic and visually stunning. with seasonal progression the lustrous leaves darken. Mid to late summer the fruit begins to form. This pea shaped fruit ripens into a rich purple black. This fruit very juicy dark purple with purple seeds have been used by Europe for wine production.

    These versatile fruits can be juiced for jam or jelly making, canned whole, as well as a healthy addition to your favorite smoothie. The juice contains high levels of flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Aronia Benefits


Aronia berries contain compounds called anthocyanins, which can decrease the level of fat and sugar the body absorbs during digestion. They also regulate how well the body breaks down and uses carbohydrates, which, for diabetics, is a critical step in the management of blood sugar. 

Another bonus? Chokeberries decrease inflammation and increase antioxidant levels in the body, both of which may help relieve complications associated with diabetes.

Heart-Healthy Supplement

Aronia berry supplements could help keep your heart healthy by protecting it from coronary artery disease.

When blood can’t flow properly, or when blood vessels become rigid, your cardiovascular system can’t work like it should. In a healthy body, cells get right to work to repair any damage to your blood vessels; but when those cells don’t function properly, it leads to heart disease.

The good news? Studies have shown that aronia berry extract keeps those cells healthy and may lower blood pressure– which in turn decreases the risk of coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular diseases. 

Fights Cancer

One study examined the cancer-fighting effects of several berry extracts, including aronia berry extract; it found that aronia was the most effective at preventing cancer growth. 

Aronia berries are also rich in antioxidants, which scientists believe play a critical role in preventing cancer. In some studies, aronia has been shown to fight colon and breast cancer.  Research is ongoing, but aronia’s rich antioxidant content could make it a key player in the fight against cancer.


Aronia contains polyphenols, as well as several minerals and vitamins – like vitamin Czinc, and copper. Aronia fights damaging free radicals and oxidation damage that lead to early signs of aging and disease. . 

Chokeberries have more polyphenols than almost any other berry, including cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and lingonberries (X)Not bad for a tiny little fruit!


Like oxidative stress, inflammation is at the root of many diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. In studies, aronia slowed or stopped the process that sets off inflammation, potentially curbing the development of serious health conditions. 

Immune Support

Sick of constant colds and infections? Fruit from the chokeberry tree can help protect your body from bacteria like e. coli and infections like UTIs.

Whether frozen or picked from the tree, aronia berries contain natural antibacterial properties. Chokeberry juice has been shown to be effective in killing bacteria that causes urinary tract infections, as well as helping the body fight off the flu. And if you have a fever, aronia may be able to help: it aids in body temperature regulation and fever reduction.

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