Looking for a bicycle pedal with a big platform, non-slip surface and smooth rounded corners? 

Imagine a bike pedal that can be used safely and comfortably while wearing any shoe, with only socks or even barefoot. 

Imagine a bike pedal that has a perfectly flat platform instead of dangerous pins and protrusions that can cause injury. 

Imagine a bike pedal covered in friction tape that hold your foot | shoe| sock in place without any risk of slippage. 

Now imagine if you will, that this pedal idea is researched and designed for four years using aerospace engineers in Germany. The end result is a beautifully simple, remarkably light, extremely safe and comfortable bike pedal that outperforms everything else and wins several design awards! 

The REFLEX pedal by MOTO Bicycles Germany was originally conceived by a pro BMX Freestyle rider who had enough of slipping off of aluminum bike pedals and having the protrusions dig into the shin, causing painful injury and bleeding. He wanted something thin, light, serviceable and most of all he wanted the pedals to have a death grip on the soles of his rubber shoes- something that's impractical if not impossible between rubber and aluminum. The perfectly flat broad platform is covered in friction tape (replaceable) and the the edges use 3M selective decals for high visibility. The whole package is bolted together around a stainless steel CNC machined axle which is completely protected from intrusion of dirt, sand, sludge or other contaminants. Use the Reflex pedal to upgrade your existing rat trap pedals to something that is kinder to your feet. Use it to enhance your commuter bike. Use it to elevate your game in Freestyle BMX. Or use it to provide kids the safest bike pedal in the world. (no more slipping off pedals, no more shins being injured by dangerous pins)