Liberica is EXOTIC coffee but often misunderstood due to poor processing and roasting with the mistakes of following the arabica and robusta style and roast profile. Even in terms of size  Liberica beans are 3 times the size of Arabica or Robusta thus requiring different processing, handling and roasting methods. 

In Malaysia farmers have been chopping down trees due to low prices and the  better economics in other crops. At House of KENDAL we are on a mission to revive abandoned farms, improve quality to get the Liberica on the specialty league to get fairer pricing for the coffee. 

The nitrogen maceration process highlights the flavours and  enhance its clean taste.

BE part of this movement to make coffee farming sustainable

Tasting Notes    : jack fruit, puer, hazel nut, cacao, durian

Brewing             : POUROVER

Brewing ratio     : 1 to 10