Purple tomatillos are uniquely beautiful and rare to find. They’re small and round like a golf ball, 
with an average diameter of one or two inches at maturity. Like all tomatillos, the Purple tomatillo 
is encased in a papery husk, which turns from green to brown and splits open as the fruit matures. 
The fruit itself starts out pale green and ripens to a deep violet color, and that rich purple skin 
coloring bleeds into its bright green interior flesh. Purple tomatillos have a tangy-sweet taste, much 
sweeter than their green counterparts, with citrus-like hints and sub-acid flavors of plum and pear. 
The semi-determinate, heavily branched plants have dark green leaves with striking purple veins, grow 
to an average of just three feet, and produce high yields of this exceptional fruit.

Planting Season

Soil Temp
65° F+

Planting Depth

Area to Sow
100' row

Days to Germ.

Days to Maturity

Best Planting Method

Thin to
≥3" apart

Final Spacing
≥24" apart

Planting by Zones

Zones 9-10

Tomatillos grow well in the extended warm season of Zones 9 and 10.
Zones 2-8

Sow seeds in starter pots with a heating pad 5-6 weeks before the last frost. Transplant 
out after the danger of frost is gone.
Planting Purple Tomatillo Seeds

Tomatillos seeds are easy to start with a few key things. Tomatoes germinate very slowly 
in cold soil. If you are starting your seeds early in the season you may want to use a 
heating mat to ensure the soil is warm enough for quick germination. Soil temperature 
should be 75-90°F.
If you are planting seeds in starter pots, plant seeds into thoroughly moist high-quality 
seed starting soil. Place seeds on top of the soil and cover with 1/4″ of finely sifted soil.
If you plan to direct sow (not recommended), follow the same instructions for starter pots 
or plug trays. Once the seedlings have germinated and have a first set of true leaves be 
sure to fertilize regularly with an organic liquid fertilizer.
Seedlings can be planted into the garden when they are 7-8 weeks old or 5-6″ tall and stocky.
Growing Purple Tomatillos

Tomatillos are easy to grow. You”™ll likely get more tomatillos than you know what to do with!
Tomatillo plants can become overloaded with fruit which will bend branches to the ground. 
Prune off excess fruits to keep the plant size manageable. Add light support if needed.
A granular organic fertilizer added to the planting area is a good idea if your garden has 
poor nutrient content or if you are growing in a new raised bed.
Growing Purple  

Tomatillos in Containers

If you are planting tomatoes in containers, make sure your container is at least 20″ deep. 
Keep in mind containers will dry out faster because they have more surface area and less soil 
to hold onto moisture. Mulch heavily on the top layer of soil in the pot to keep the soil 
from drying out or heating up too much.
Harvesting Tomatillos 

Tomatillos are best harvested at peak ripeness. This is typically when fruits have burst out of their skins.
Southern California Pro-tips

Mulch heavily around your tomatillo to ensure the soil does not dry out or heat up too much.
During our hottest months of August, September, and October, plants can suffer from the heat. 
Using shade cloth can help protect the plants from extreme heat.
In July and August keep an eye out for the tomato hornworm which feeds on plants in the 
Solanaceae family. 

The anthocyanins in Purple tomatillos, responsible for the purple coloring, has cancer-fighting compounds, 
and is good source of antioxidants. Tomatillos are known for having decent amounts of beta-carotene, 
which is good for your vision, and they are also a good source of niacin, which helps to improve energy 
levels throughout the day. Tomatillos also have a positive potassium-sodium ratio, which reduces blood pressure.

Tomatillos are a staple in Mexican cuisine and cooking 101 with tomatillos equals salsa. The tomatillo's
 role in the kitchen does not end with salsa, though. Purple tomatillos can be substituted for recipes 
calling for green tomatillos, though they are considered more exceptional for their coloring and their 
sweeter flavor. Purple tomatillos lend themselves to many different cooking methods. They can be stewed, 
fire roasted, grilled, broiled, blanched, puréed, chopped fresh and utilized as an ingredient in applications 
both hot and cold. Traditional and authentic accompanying ingredients include corn, tomatoes, garlic, chiles, 
avocado, red, white and black beans, tortillas, fresh and aged cheeses. Tomatillos can heighten the flavor of 
pork, chicken and seafood in Latin recipes as well as seasonal and regional recipes throughout the months of 
late Summer and Fall. Herbal companions include cilantro, basil, mint, epazote, cumin and oregano. As Purple 
tomatoes deliver more sweetness, they can also be utilized to make marmalades, jams and preserves. Once 
tomatillos are removed front their husk, they should be washed to remove the slightly sticky film from 
the skin's surface. Fresh tomatillos in their husks will stay fresh refrigerated in a paper bag for up 
to two weeks. Cooked tomatillos can also be preserved by canning them or freezing them for later use.

Purple tomatillos, like green varieties, are a very popular fruit in Latin America, and are a staple of 
Mexican and Guatemalan cuisine, particularly for salsas. Tomatillo cultivation became vital to Mexican 
agricultural industries in the 1980's, as they began sending about 80% of their annual crop to the United States.

Tomatillos originated in Mexico, and were cultivated by the Aztecs dating back as early as 800 B.C. Purple 
tomatillos are still found growing as a wild weed-like plant, invading fields of corn throughout the central 
highlands of Mexico. Plants will thrive in temperate to sub-tropical regions with little rainfall and full sun. 
This variety will grow well in most regions of the United States, and it is known for being somewhat tolerant 
of extreme conditions, from dry farming to slightly cool nights.