Perrin's Creme Complete 2oz - Free Shipping USA Only

H&M Herbs 
Been In Business Since 1995

Perrin's Creme Complete Skin Product contains the greatest combination and highest concentration of vitamins and antioxidants of any of our creams and moisturizers excluding Perrin's Blend, which is an ointment. With extended use of the Creme Complete we have seen abnormal skin tissue, such as sun damaged areas and age spots, peel away and return to normal healthy looking skin. We've added the antioxidants CoQ10 and resveratrol for even more protection against aging and free radical damage. It also contain vitamins A, C, E, & D, N-Acetyl Cysteine and Alpha Lipoic Acid, as well as pure Aloe Vera gel, organic Cocoa Butter, Bees Wax with essential oils of Lavender, Frankincense, Geranium, Lemon, Orange, & Peppermint. It is formulated to give maximal intense care for skin cells. As with all of Perrin's moisturizers, it is designed to give a moisturizing shield of protection. 

The Creme Complete Skin Product contains the greatest combination and highest concentration of restorative and corrective ingredients of any of our creams and moisturizers.A natural multi-faceted approach to skin rejuvenation and restoration.

A corrective anti-aging formula for sun-damaged skin, rosacea, age spots, lichen sclerosus, abnormal skin tissue, and overall skin health. 

The Creme Complete is completely natural.  The Creme Complete restores, moisturizes, and protects.

About some of the ingredients:

Testimonies concerning Lichen Sclerosis

Concerning Lichen Sclerosis, involving the Creme Complete, from Brandie in Ohio Hi,

My name is Brandie. I am composing this testimony by my own free will, and not for capital or monetary gain. I have been struggling with Lichen Sclerosus probably longer than I can remember. But it became severe in January 2009.I had all the classic symptoms: Itching, scratching, burning, bleeding,the toad skin, and white marks on my vulva. I had become so distraught I often wondered if I could have my female parts removed all together. I had tried EVERYTHING. First it was yeast infection creams, then anti fungal cream, then hydrogen peroxide, then coconut oil, then antibiotic ointment with pain relief because the pain was so bad it hurt to walk.I ordered Emu oil,Ozonated olive oil, both of the last two would soothe the problem for a short while so I went to the dermatologist and was promptly prescribed steroid cream. This made the problem much worse. So in a final desperate attempt I saw an ad for Perrins Blend in a sidebar on a search engine. I figured why not and to my satisfaction and utter amazement within 3 short weeks there are little to no symptoms of what has wreak havoc on my life I ordered the Perrins cream complete at the advisement of a nice man who took my order. He indicated to me that the regular blend Perrin's Blend may be too strong for my skin. Well let me just say to all who are in doubt.


I ordered my first jar on October 20th 2009. And today November 16th I have my body back I sleep at night I can wear pants I am not ashamed for my husband to touch me.I will never be able to show my gratitude in words for Roberta who originally pressed the issue to try it out on herself as a guinea pig. She is an absolute angel for being so generous with her findings I spoke with Mrs. Perrin today and expressed how grateful I am for her combining these ingredients and sharing them with the world.Her response was We take no credit God helped us to create it. Now how many corporate companies or Dr's are humble in this way I think we all know the answer. I will forever be a customer. God Bless. Brandie.

Concerning a Lichen Sclerosis Lesion, involving Perrin's Blend and the Creme Complete, from Eva in Norway

Hello Judy,

The order arrived to our adress here in Norway Septermber 24, and my daugther 18 started using Perrins Blend that very evening. At first using the product gave her a burning kind of feeling, but that stopped after a few days.

My daugther has been using both creams every day since they arrived. Two weeks ago, she went to her doctor again to check out how she was doing regading Lichen Skleroses. Her doctor didn't know anything about her using your products. After he was done with the examination he called me into his office my daugther was still there. He looked at us and said This must be some kind of a miracle. Your daugther doesn't have Lichen Scleroses at all. I don't understand it, so maybee I was wrong the first time she was here He seemed a little confused about it all.

My daugther looked at me and then told the doctor that she had used Perrins Blend and Creme Complete for about two months. He told us that he really didn't believe in that kind of alternative treatment, but as long as no Lichen Scleroses was present any more he couldn't deny the effect.

Now my daughter uses the Creme Complete almost every day and is feeling well. After I send you this message i will go to your internet store to make a new order of your wonderful products.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.