Red Gorilla
Red Gorilla Tubs - Various Sizes & Quantities (Yellow)

Tough & hardwearing; they feature comfort-grip handles, extra-strong handle joints and flexible sides to allow 'shaping' to walls & floors. These yellow builders' tubs are great for removing rubble or for mixing cement or plaster

Gorilla Tubs Small 14L - Yellow

- These small 14L trugs are ideal as a bucket, tool carrier, pourer, cable tidy, water scoop, paint kettle/mixer, etc. 

Gorilla Tubs Medium 26L - Yellow

- These medium-sized 26L trugs are ideal for sweeping up into, storing tools in the van, clearing rubble in confined spaces and also as a mortar or wallpaper paste bucket, scooper and tool or welly wash bucket.

Gorilla Tubs Large 38L - Yellow

- These large 38L trugs are ideal for storing & carrying scaffold knuckles, mixing compost, dipping bricks on hot days and as a standing water container or rockery stone carrier. 

Gorilla Tubs Extra Large 75L - Yellow

- These extra-large 75L trugs are ideal for carrying rubble, taking rubbish to the tip, mixing large batches of plaster and also as a trimmings collector, mulch spreader or recycling tub.