A small merchant ship crashed against a jagged reef, thrown there by a sudden storm. The cargo's owner, aware that a dangerous band of lizardfolk claims the wreck site as part of their territory, hires your party to salvage an item of great value from the stranded vessel. The job comes with an unexpected complication — and a segue into Places by the Way #3, Secrets of Oyster Cove, if you want to use it.

A Treasure on the Rocks is a location-adventure module compatible with Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition rules. It includes guidelines for scaling encounters depending on your party's average level, so you can run it with parties of almost any level. It doesn't specify a campaign setting, so you can integrate into your own world by sanding the edges a bit, or you can run it as a stand-alone. 77 pages in 5"x7" format, which gives it a more durable spine and easier portability; includes maps, stat blocks for key NPCs, and new items.

A Treasure on the Rocks is the second in a series of short modules called Places by the Way, created by veteran RPG writer and developer Douglas Sun and published by Ramen Sandwich Press under the OGL. Think of them as glittering mosaic tiles that you can drop into a campaign to provide your player characters with diverting side quests and memorable interludes while they follow the overall story arc. After all, a great campaign world is one in which memorable experiences can be had even in places found by the way.