Finis Jhung Basic Ballet 13 Partnering Techniques Ballett DVD


Finis Jhung Basic Ballet 13 Partnering Techniques Ballett DVD

Sprache: Englisch
Laufzeit: 1 Stunde 10 Min.
Altersfreigabe: LEHR-Programm
Regionalcode: 0 (codefree)
Herkunft: USA



Learn the ropes, step by step, with Griff Braun and Johanna Snyder of The American Ballet Theatre.

After they perform the grand pas de deux, Griff and Johanna break it all down with Finis.


They tell you everything you need to know about promenades, supported pirouettes, and lifts.

Griff and Johanna tell what they are thinking as they do the steps, and what they expect from each other.


Griff has partnered some of our best ballerinas, so he knows how to do it.


This video gives you a close-up view of the nuts and bolts of partnering. It’s fascinating.

1. The Grand Pas de Deux (complete) 2. Développé front, promenade in attitude 3. Piqué turn en dehors, promenade in arabesque penchée 4. Fondu développé to the side, arabesque penchée, flip to pose 5. Whip turns en dedans, fouetté arabesque, off balance attitude pose 6. Split jeté lift, spun pirouettes en dehors 7. Grand pas de chat lift, supported pirouettes en dehors 8. Traveling attitude lift 9. Upside down attitude lift, lunge 10. Final sequence: Continuous promenades, whip turns, poses, bows 11. Details of supported pirouettes 12. Partnering extra: shoulder lift

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