Finis Jhung Ballet Technique Levels 2 & Up The Power Barre Ballett DVD


Finis Jhung Ballet Technique Levels 2 & Up The Power Barre Ballett DVD

Sprache: Englisch
Laufzeit: 1 Stunde 30 Min.
Altersfreigabe: LEHR-Programm
Regionalcode: 0 (codefree)
Herkunft: USA



As you do these exercises on a portable barre in front of the mirror you will be encouraged to use the barre by pressing down on it with your hands.

This will energize your shoulders and supporting arm, strengthen your posture, and help you to balance the movement of your legs and feet in center floor.

You will also be instructed to keep your head turned toward yourself in the mirror so that you check your placement, alignment, and execution while you develop correct body positions—éffacé, croisé, and écarté.


All pliés (except for stretches) are to be performed with opposition and resistance, which will strengthen your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and core.


The fondu-relevé exercises develop proper placement, balance, and foot-ankle-knee strength which are necessary in order to correctly execute most poses, turns, and jumps.


Learning to plié and relevé correctly on one foot is the determining factor in how quickly you can advance, so take these lessons with Finis Jhung to heart and you will be well on your way!

1. Relax & Stretch

2. Isometric demi-plié, 2nd & 1st positions, stretch

3. Battement tendu side, demi-plié in second position

4. Battement tendu front & back, rond de jambe, stretch

5. Battement tendu, attitude, demi-plié on half-toe

6. Battement tendu, battement dégagé en croix

7. Battement tendu-degagé- pointe, retiré balance

8. Battement tendu, dégagé fermé, retiré balance

9. Circular stretch in 1st & 5th positions

10. Rond de jambe à terre, fondu balance

11. Battement fondu-relevé to fourth front

12. Battement dégagé to the side, relevé, fondu-relevé

13. Grand battement to the front, stepping forward

14. Work your arabesque

15. Grand battement to the side, fondu, stretch

16. Relevé in arabesque & attitude, penchée, stretch

17. Pirouette Practice: half-turn en dehors

18. Pirouette Practice: full turn en dehors

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