Set content :
1.100th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Navy, 2018
2. Day of memory of the fallen defenders of Ukraine, 2020
3. Ukrainian Volunteer Day, 2018
4. State Border Service of Ukraine, 2020
5. KrAZ-6322 "Soldier", 2019
6. On guard of life (dedicated to military doctors), 2019
7. Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 2020
8. Participants in hostilities on the territory of other states, 2019
9. Coin of Ukraine "Air Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" 10 hryvnia 2021
10. Coin of Ukraine "Armed Forces of Ukraine", 10 hryvnia, 2021
11. Coin of Ukraine "Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", 10 hryvnia, 2021
12. Coin of Ukraine "To the Defenders of Donetsk Airport", 10 hryvnia, 2018

100th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Navy

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Navy. At the beginning of 1918, the Central Council adopted a number of important naval laws, which at that time were of a declarative nature, including one of the most important - the "Provisional Law on the Navy". On April 29, 1918, Admiral M. Sablin, commander of the Black Sea Fleet, taking into account the mood of the majority of Ukrainian sailors, officially proclaimed the entire Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol and Crimea as the UNR fleet and ordered the Ukrainian flag to be raised. This day became outstanding for the Ukrainian state fleet and a holiday of the Ukrainian sea, the day when the whole Ukrainian fleet showed its belonging to the Motherland.

Ukrainian Volunteer Day

Dedicated to the selflessness, courage and heroism of the defenders of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine - members of volunteer formations that have become the pride of the Ukrainian people.

Participants in hostilities on the territory of other states

Dedicated to Ukrainian military specialists - participants in many peacekeeping missions. Since 1992, about 40,000 Ukrainian servicemen have taken part in international peacekeeping operations. The Ukrainian Combat Reserve has about 330,000 men, most of which are veterans of the war in Afghanistan. A separate echelon of combat veterans includes military specialists with experience in peacekeeping operations in Vietnam, Syria, Angola, Mozambique, Egypt and other countries.

On guard of life (dedicated to military doctors)

Dedicated to military doctors - people whose profession combines medical and military knowledge, who selflessly serve the Motherland, saving the lives of its defenders every day, perform a feat of mercy, courage and fortitude.

KrAZ-6322 "Soldier"

Dedicated to a multi-purpose all-wheel drive vehicle designed to transport personnel, various cargoes of military units, special forces and UN peacekeeping forces. The KrAZ-6322 "Soldat" vehicle is the base vehicle of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it can be used as a ballast tractor for transporting aircraft at airfields, artillery systems. It has exceptional characteristics in terms of cross-country ability, maneuverability and speed in extremely difficult climatic and road conditions.

Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Dedicated to one of the carriers of the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a powerful and technological type of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is one of the main tools for deterring military aggression against Ukraine, ensuring the stability of its defense system, ensuring peace and security of the state in cooperation with other components of the defense forces and international ones. partners.

Day of Remembrance of the Fallen Defenders of Ukraine

Dedicated to perpetuating the heroism and honoring the memory of military personnel and members of volunteer formations who gave their lives in the struggle for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The recent history of our state and the Ukrainian army captures the exploits of the soldiers who selflessly defended our land.

State Border Service of Ukraine

Dedicated to a law enforcement body of special purpose, which is entrusted with the task of ensuring the inviolability of the state border and protecting the sovereign rights of Ukraine in its adjacent zone and the exclusive (maritime) economic zone. One of the duties of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is to participate in cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations in repelling an invasion or attack on the territory of Ukraine by the armed forces of another state or group of states.

Air Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Dedicated to a separate type of troops, belonging to the immediate reaction forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and characterized by high maneuverability and autonomy of action, designed for rapid deployment in order to conduct offensive, assault operations, cover certain areas, as well as cover the enemy with air, conduct combat operations in his rear. .

Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Dedicated to a separate type of troops, belonging to the immediate reaction forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and characterized by high maneuverability and autonomy of action, designed for rapid deployment in order to conduct offensive, assault operations, cover certain areas, as well as cover the enemy with air, conduct combat operations in his rear. .

Armed Forces of Ukraine

dedicated to the Ukrainian troops, which, in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, are entrusted with the task of defending Ukraine, protecting its sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability; ensuring the deterrence and repulse of armed aggression against Ukraine, the protection of the airspace of the state and underwater space within
the territorial sea of Ukraine, as well as the tasks of participating in activities aimed at combating terrorism.