Premium Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder from Kagoshima
  • This single origin matcha, direct from a tea farm in Kagoshima, Japan (see photo of the farm below), is ceremonial grade and hence perfect as hot and whisked matcha green tea. It can also be combined with lemon and honey to boost your immune system, inner health, and well-being. This matcha is best consumed as ceremonial matcha tea or luxurious matcha latte. 
  • Our matcha is from JAS (Japan Agriculture Society) organic certified farm and made with FSCC22000 (Food Safety) certified manufacturing standards.
  • This matcha is made from young and supple leaves from Spring harvest, which have abundance of antioxidants (ECGC) and l-theanine, and hence most nutritious. Only a small quantity (half teaspoon) is required per serving. Rejuvenate your mind, body and soul by making this matcha part of your healthy lifestyle.
  • Our matcha growers follow planet friendly and sustainable agricultural practices. No synthetic fertilisers or pesticides are used in the farms where this matcha comes from. Pests and diseases are kept out of the farms by techniques using just high pressure blow winds and water sprays. Hence there are no chemical or artificial substances in soil or plantations.
  • This matcha is non-GMO and Vegan. All natural with no added colours or flavours.
  • Dairy, Sugar, Preservative and Gluten free. In fact, this is premium grade pure matcha green tea powder and nothing else added.
  • We offer 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with this product, we will offer full refund.
  • We are based in Australia. The product is shipped from Sydney, Australia.

Pinnacle Matcha Manufacturing Process

This premium matcha powder is made from highest quality tea leaves grown on the slopes of mountains in Kagoshima, Japan. Cultivar of this matcha is Yabukita, which is the original, authentic matcha tea cultivar in Japan.

  • The climate of Kagoshima in Japan is sub-tropical with abundant sunshine, rain and mist. The tea plants are shade grown so they develop an intense bright green colour and accumulate maximum nutritional value.
  • The tea leaves are hand picked and only the young and supple leaves are selected for smooth and soft texture of the resulting ceremonial grade matcha powder. Stems and veins of tea leaves are removed to obtain to smooth and subtle umami flavour.
  • The tea leaves are then steamed and air dried. Note that they are not oven dried artificially just to speed up the process.
  • Finally, a fine, smooth matcha powder is created using granite stone grinds
  • Our matcha is quality without any compromise.

Matcha Latte Recipe

This hot and delicious matcha latte is simple and quick to make at home and might even make you consider replacing your normal morning latte with Matcha. 


·       Premium ceremonial grade matcha green tea powder – 2.5gm (1/2 teaspoon)

·       Warm water – 80 degrees Celsius (175 degrees Fahrenheit) – 25 ml

·       Milk – frothed or steamed – 150 ml (three quarter cup)

·       Honey – 1 teaspoon (according to taste)

How to make

  1. Sift matcha powder into a cup. Or, you can simply put 1/2 teaspoon directly into the cup if the matcha powder used is high quality, smooth and very fine. 
  2. Pour warm water (80 degree C or 175 degree F) into the cup. Tip: Cup with wide base is preferred as it gives enough space for proper whisking and there is less risk of the cup tipping over. Japanese tea ceremonies use Chawan bowls to drink Matcha tea. These are wide and do not have handles. At home, any cup or glass with wide based is good to use.
  3. Whisk vigorously until there are no lumps of matcha and uniform foam or fine froth with tiny bubbles is formed. Tip: Preferably use Japanese style bamboo whisk, called chasen, which gives perfect consistency. But if you don’t have chasen, normal kitchen manual or hand-held powered whisk can be used.
  4. Add honey to taste.
  5. Add warm, frothed or steamed milk and serve.
  6. This café style matcha latte can be prepared in 5 mins. It is smooth, luxurious, refreshing, healthy and rejuvenating.

Additional Tips

  • Enhance your experience with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon on top.
  • You can use any sweetener of choice instead of honey. Other healthy options are stevia, rapadura sugar, maple syrup.
  • If allergic to normal milk or vegan option is preferred, use Oat, Almond, or coconut milk. Oat milk specifically goes well in matcha latte

Relax and Enjoy!

Matcha tea farm
Matcha Tea Farm in Kagoshima
Matcha Latte
Matcha Latte
Matcha Green tea
Matcha Green Tea