San Diego CA 92124


Artist:  John Mix Stanley

Date and Place:  1860; Washington DC

 Publisher: Thomas Ford & Co (report); Sarony, Major & Knapp (lithograph)

 Reference: “USPRR Explorations and Surveys…1853-55...” Vol. XII, Book I

 Dimensions & Type: 9 x 6.5 inches (23 x 23 16; Tinted Lithograph

 Condition: VG+, clean with good color 


House ex Doc #56, 36th Congress 1st session.  Narrative by Gov. Isaac Steven of his exploration along the 47th to 49th parallels from Saint Paul to Puget Sound. Stevens was territorial governor of Washington and, predictably, lobbied for this route. Eventually, a railroad was built along then this line, but the Northern Pacific came well after the end of the Civil War and the building of the central route.

Plate 26 from the Report. The Marias was the "River of Decision" for Lewis & Clark.  This view is taken 30 miles upriver from the confluence with the Missouri

 While the exploration was done in 1853-55, the results were not widely published until 1860.