Arctic Fire Dianthus


Growing from Seed


For early blooms, sow Dianthus seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before frost season is over. Use sterile starter mix and sow seeds on the surface. Barely cover Dianthus seeds with soil. It normally takes 10 to 21 days for most maiden pink varieties to germinate, but you’ll have to maintain a temperature of 70°F. Harden off seedlings slowly. Transplant seedlings when danger of frost has past and where they can obtain at least 6 hours of sunlight. Keep soil moist until established.


Or sow Dianthus flower seed directly outside after frost season has passed and soil temperatures are warming to a minimum of 40 degrees or warmer. Broadcast flower seed and lightly rake in to the soil no more than 1/8th deep and keep flower seed moist for germination.


Arctic Fire Dianthus


Arctic Fire Maiden Pinks is an evergreen perennial with a mounded form. It brings an extremely fine and delicate texture to the garden composition and should be used to full effect. This plant will require occasional maintenance, and is best cleaned up in early spring before it resumes active growth for the season.


Vigorous and free-flowering, Dianthus deltoides 'Arctic Fire' (Maiden Pink) is an evergreen perennial forming a spreading mat of narrow, dark green leaves. In late spring and summer, the foliage mound is covered by a profusion of small, white, single flowers adorned with delicately fringed petals and a brilliant red eye. Borne on branched flowering stems, the dainty blossoms attract bees, humming birds and butterflies, but are ignored by deer. Easy to grow.


Growing up to 6-8 in. tall (15-20 cm) and 12-18 in. wide (30-45 cm).

Prefers full sun and enjoys neutral to alkaline, well-drained soils. Tolerates some afternoon shade in hot summer climates.

Extremely versatile, Maiden Pink is ideal for rock gardens, border fronts, banks and slopes. Excellent groundcover

Deadhead to prolong flowering. Propagate by seed. Shear after flowering for a neater appearance.

Dianthus Deltoides species is Native to Asia and Europe.

Canada Hardiness: Zone 2 – 7

Heat Zones: 1 – 10

Plant Type: Perennials

Plant Family: Dianthus

Sun exposure: Full Sun

Season of Interest: Spring (Late) Summer (Early, Mid, Late)

Height: 6" – 8" (15cm – 20cm)

Spread: 1' – 2' (30cm – 60cm)

Spacing: 6" – 12" (15cm – 30cm)

Water Needs: Low, Average

Maintenance: Low

Soil Type: Chalk, Loam, Sand

Soil pH: Alkaline, Neutral

Soil Drainage: Well-Drained

Characteristics: Showy, Evergreen

Tolerance: Drought

Attracts: Butterflies, Bees and Humming birds


Seeds are fresh, untreated, open-pollinated for seed saving, and organic.


You will receive a package of 100 seeds. 




Due to the nature of our products, seed germination rates may vary depending on storage and growth conditions. Some varieties have a naturally low germination rate, at around 50%. When a variety has a lower germination rate, it is usually indicated on the packet and we endeavor to provide more seeds to compensate. The vast majority of our seeds have germination rates of over 85%. We work hard to provide you with the best service possible.