Leader Class Optimus and Grimlock | Transformers 4 Age of Extinction AOE

Optimus Prime has long believed that freedom is the right of all sentient beings. He has never wavered from his belief, no matter what has befallen him in battle. Once again ready to defend the people of his adopted planet, the unyielding Autobot Commander prepares for the battle that will allow the Autobots to reclaim their role as Earth's honored protectors.

Grimlock is the ultimate wildcard. The Dinobot leader has the power to decide the fate of Earth He has battled countless enemies across the universe, never concerning himself with trophies, only victories. He has proven difficult to capture and nearly impossible to defeat. When an enemy does manage to get the best of him, it's never for long. Uncaged and unleashed, Grimlock is concerned with only one thing: vengeance against those who would try to control him.

Convert, arm and attack with all the Transformers action you can handle! This mighty Optimus Prime figure is a high-powered commander whether he's in robot mode or semi truck mode. With his Sword of Judgement in one fist and his Vector Shield on his arm, he's ready to take down any foe in robot mode. When he converts to semi truck mode, he'll plow through enemy forces and keep on going! His ally Grimlock is a robot-to-dino powerhouse, and his Dragontooth Mace will do what his enormous strength can't! Keep converting them back and forth so they can handle whatever their foes dish out!

Product Details

TFSource Item ID: 17837
Brand: Hasbro
Condition: NEW
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