Stitch by Stitch, A home library of sewing, knitting, crochet and needlecraft, volume 5, pub 1986 by Torstar Books, hardcover

Condition: very good. Used book price in upper right corner of inside cover page, but no writing anywhere else in the book. No highlighting. Binding is solid. Pages are tightly bound, flexible, readable, not yellowing.

Shipping and price discounts available for multi-book purchases.

I have volumes 1, 2, 3, (not 4), 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 of the Stitch by Stitch series.

From the back cover:

In this volume:


Step-by-Step Crochet Course

Step-by-Step Knitting Course

Step-by-Step Sewing Course

Step-by-Step Needlework Course
Extra Special Crochet
Extra Special Knitting
Extra Special Sewing

From the Introduction to volume 1:

Whatever your current level of skill in the various needlecrafts -- rank beginner or whiz kid you will find these attractive books uniquely tailored to your needs. Perhaps you've never done any crocheting. knitting or sewing at all. Or did you take it up once, and then drop it? No matter. Everything you should know to become an accomplished needlecrafter is presented in clear, step-by-step courses, illustrated with full-color photos or drawings.

If you are already an old hand at one or more of the skills taught, you will still find the STITCH BY STITCH courses a valuable refresher particularly for clarifying certain techniques on which you may be a bit rusty. Especially for you, though, are our Extra Special projects in all the disciplines taught. Challenging, original and truly lovely items to knit, sew or crochet have been selected that will make a lasting impression family and friends. In the Homemaker sections, too, you can put your talents to work on a host of clever and practical decorations and soft furnishings.